Let’s talk about Depression

This seems to always be a popular topic when I bring it up. I’ve talked about this many times but have never opened up the floor and actually had a dialogue about Depression.

I thought I would share some basic facts about depression from the Mayo Clinic which is a very, very trusted source of information.

Before I get into the clinical aspects I wanted to explain my reasons for doing this.

Special needs parenting is not easy and anyone that says it is, well, is much stronger than me anyways. My concern is that Depression is much more common in the special needs community than we hear about. In fact, no one seems to ever talk about Depression, so who knows how many people are dealing with this in secret.

The truth is that it makes me sad to think that people suffer in silence, especially when it’s due to fear of judgment or ridicule. No one should ever have to suffer in silence.

There is no reason we can’t talk about Depression in an open, honest way. In fact, the only way I think we can shake off the stigma is to do just that, talk about it.

Depression is not a weakness and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Please don’t suffer in silence anymore. You’re not alone and there are plenty of people like you and me out there. 🙂

For today’s #Autism Discussion I want to have an open and honest dialogue about Depression and how it impacts our lives. I realize that this may be a touchy subject for some but perhaps talking about it with people who understand can really help.

How does Depression affect your ability to parent your child with #Autism?

Are you concerned that you may be Depressed?

Please feel free to ask questions or even answer them. Remember that this DOES NOT CONSTITUTE MEDICAL ADVICE. We are simply sharing our own personal experience.


Click on the Read More Button or the Post Title to read the entire post, including all the facts, signs and symptoms etc. 



Kids say the cutest things

I was taking video of Emmett eating yogurt. Sounds like a weird thing to film but this is the first time he's been allowed to eat it because until now, he's had significant food allergies to milk, lactose, soy and egg. He was really excited to get to eat what his big brothers eat, since he is now officially allergy free. I didn't realize that Emmett was going to say something really cute at the times but I'm glad I was able to capture it. I was thinking that we could share some of the really cute things our kids have said.   [youtube width="640" height="420"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a37tbFEgKgE[/youtube]


So far, so good

Emmett is really having a rough day.  Between not feeling well and whatever else is going on, he's very grumpy and uncooperative. Gavin's being Gavin.  No tantrums so far today just subtle manipulation but we're staying ahead of it for now.  Elliott still has the cough and clearly doesn't feel well. However, so far today, he hasn't had any major problems.  He's being relatively cooperative this morning and I'm grateful for that. I don't know what the rest of the day holds for us.  Hopefully, it's nothing more than peace and quiet.  This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app…


Confessions of a depressed special needs Dad: Update 9/28/2012

It's been awhile since I really spent any amount of time talking about my battle with depression. As some of you already know, I'm battling depression. This has been a war of both wins and losses, progress and setbacks. However, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm depressed and on medication for it. There is a huge and I mean huge stigma attached to things like depression. I don't know if most people even understand what depression is.  In its simplest form, it's a chemical imbalance in the brain and can affect different people in different ways.  However,  the point of this post is to share my personal struggles and update you all as to how I'm doing.  Having said that,  I will post a link at the bottom of…


Like bungie jumping with dental floss

As you probably already know, Elliott returned to the pediatrician today.  Unfortunately,  instead of getting better,  he's actually getting worse. Apparently, he's developing a sinus infection and the cough isn't getting better but hasn't got any worse.  The doctor said if he's not drastically improved by Monday we'll have to switch antibiotics. We also have to stay on top of his inhalers to help keep this out of his lungs.  The boys don't have school tomorrow anyway so no loss there.  Trying to get Elliott to rest is like bungie jumping with dental floss.  It doesn’t end well and either way your banging your head into something.  This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell…

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Hey, what’s cookin?

I don't know what the weather is like on your end but it's pretty darn crappy here. I've got a house full of sick and super grouchy kids and I'm battling to keep my eyes open. When I look outside, it's very clear that summer has left us. It's rainy, cold and I have a yard full of leave to rake. It's not helping much in the depression front. However,  I managed to get a pork roast in the crockpot and some dishes done.  :-) The roast should be ready in an hour or so and the smell has filled the house and it definitely takes the edge off of the bad weather.  When I get home from picking up Gavin, I'm going to settle down onto the couch with…


What do your kids with #Autism like to do when they’re sick?

I thought it might be interesting to discuss what our children with #Autism like to do when they are sick or not feeling well. Personally, I want to just stay in bed when I'm sick but my kids are a different story. Being sick to them just slows them down....A little.  It's actually really hard to get them to rest.  Elliott and Emmett just don't want to lay down.  Gavin on the other hand does really well when he's sick.  He will just stay in bed and sleep. I'm trying to get Emmett and Elliott to rest so that their little bodies can fight off that is ailing them. The only way to get them to chill out is with video games.  Emmett, as seen in the picture below, is…


1 on 1 time with Emmett

While Lizze and Elliott are at the doctors this morning,  Emmett and I are going to have some 1 on 1 time.  Since he's still sick as well, I need him to rest and get and God willing, take a nap. I think we are going to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie and maybe play Bad Piggies on my phone. If nothing else, I at least get to spend some time with my little Emmett John. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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