#Autism and the Weighted Vest

Today has been a weighted vest kinda day. Elliott and Emmett were both on sensory overload today as a result of Gavin's house shaking tantrum. I had a rough time getting them to relax, even after Gavin was at the hospital.  Until you're in the middle of oe of these tantrums, I don't think you can fully appreciate how traumatizing they are, especially for the E's. Anyway,  I thought I would break out the weighted vests and see if the weight and compression would help calm them down. It worked,  for the most part anyway. They were really worked up though and I think the vests could only help out so much. Having said that,  things eventually settled down and we all watched Ice Age and relaxed on the couch. …


Behavioral Crisis: Akron Children’s Hospital (09/29/2012)

Lizze has arrived home with Gavin in tow. The social worker at Akron Children's Hospital called Gavin out on everything.  She said that this is very typical behavior of a child with reactive attachment disorder.  The disorder itself in not very common but she said she sees this same type of behavioral issues in the RAD kids when they do cross paths.  She was very supportive and understanding.  Gavin was being rude and from what Lizze says, she handled it well. Ultimately though, he wasn't admitted. The reason for that was because they don't handle chronic problems and Gavin is the poster child for chronic mental health issues.  They did however,  rule out a neck injury from banging his head into the floor so hard.  There recommendation is long term…


At least he got himself dressed, right?

As a special needs family,  we have learned to celebrate the little and even kinda weird victories.  This helps us to stay positive and not always focus on the rest of our overwhelming life.  A prime example of this is Mr.  Emmett John.  He's sporting a pair of shorts, flip flops, red compression vest and an Angry Birds hat.  I'm not sure where he gets his sense of style from but he's made it his own.  There are two victories we celebrated with this.  The first is well,  actually wearing clothes and the second was putting on this ensemble, all by himself in the first place.  :-) Life is all about perspective.... This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I…


Behavioral Crisis: Here’s what happened

Before I go any further,  I want to provide a little bit of background.  It's necessary to fully understand what led up to today's events.  Emmett is extremely,  how shall I put this....picky,  about everything.  There is a specific chair at the dinner table that Emmett has claimed as his own.  It's the only one he will use and we don't take issue with that because, well, it's a bigger picture type thing. Anyway,  every night before we sit down to dinner there is drama because Elliott has Emmett's chair. Some of the time Elliott will give the chair back and other times it becomes a blow out. Basically, this has been creating resentment between the to E's and makes for an unpleasant evening for everyone........or so we thought. We…


Behavioral Crisis: Emergency Pysch Evaluation (09/29/2012)

Gavin is having a behavioral crisis and will be on his way for a psych evaluation and God willing,  a psych hold. He had probably one of the worst,  self-injurious tantrums to date.  I'll explain in more detail what lead up to this later. Right now,  Lizze's Mom is going to drive them up to Akron Children's Hospital.  He will be run through the behavioral heath side of the ER and evaluated for admittance. The bad news,  aside from all of this,  is that nothing is going to change by taking him.  The good news is that this will get him out of the house and into a safer environment.  This is best for everyone,  especially those most traumatized by his behavior,  Elliott and Emmett. I ask that you please…


I think we’re getting a break today

I believe that Lizze's parents are going to be taking Gavin and Emmett for the day and overnight as well. :-) This will give Elliott a desperately needed break and hopefully he can relax and finally feel better. I imagine that he will enjoy some Portal 2 time without his brothers interrupting.  At this point,  I don't care if he plays all day,  so long as he is physically resting on the couch.  He's already missed an entire week of school because of these bugs. He needs to get better. Lizze also needs a break from the constant stress of one Mr.  Gavin. Emmett will have fun playing with Grandpa and they will closely supervise Gavin. This is hopefully going to be a break for everyone. This was posted via…


I’m so embarrassed

Do you know anyone that just let's it all hang out? I do.  In the Lost and Tired family,  Bella, our Boxer puppy, doesn't seem to have any problems with exposing herself to the world. I'm almost too embarrassed to share this with you all.  However, this would have eventually leaked to the internet anyway. I guess I just wanted to stay ahead of it.  I assure you, Bella is going into treatment and this kind of smutt will not happen again.  We are so embarrassed and apologize if Bella has offended anyone. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help"…


I’m proud of myself because……

Sometimes we have to really take stock of what we accomplish. So often, I think we all are weighed done by all we don't manage to do. Instead,  we should focus on what we did well.  For example....  I'm super proud of myself for not stress eating last night.  I was plenty stressed out but I didn't eat.  I opted instead to have a cup of hot tea. That wasn't easy for me to do, but I did it.  I thought it would be nice to share what we are proud of ourselves for. I really think it's important to keep perspective. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please…