
I got up at 4:30am with Mr. Emmett John.  He's been getting up pretty early anymore. Shortly after,  Elliott woke up as well. I brought the boys downstairs so that Lizze could sleep.  She does that for me all the time and I wanted to return the favor. For the first time in at east a few days, Elliott and Emmett finally got along. I don't know what's changed to allow for their kindness towards each other today. Maybe they were simply too tired to bicker back and forth.  Who the hell knows.  I'm hoping that this will be a trend going forward. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me.…


The sad 6 year old

While Elliott was in Youngstown with Grandparents yesterday, he confessed how upset he was that Gavin will be moving to residential care.  Elliott explained to everyone he saw,  that Gavin was going to be moving and how sad it makes him. Elliott won't or at least hasn't wanted to talk to us about Gavin.  I'm really glad he confided in my Dad. He needs to be able to talk about what bothers him.  If not with us, than with his Grandparents. This is a lot to try and cope with, especially for an anxiety prone,  6 year old little boy with #Autism. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please…


Tree Vomit

Every year about this time,  I begin gearing up to deal with all the fun that fall has crapped out all over my yard. This year, the leaves are falling much sooner than they normally do.  Typically, the trees in my yard will still be desperately clinging to their leaves in December. These are just Maple trees so I don't know why they are normally so difficult. This year appears to be different. Maybe it was the drought this year or maybe they are taking pitty on me,  since I never get help to rake and bag the leaves.  Either way, my entire yard is already covered in tree vomit.   Lizze can't physically help and the boys, well,  I'm better off on my own. I'm in Canton, Ohio and Fall…


Want to share your story?

I have been at this blogging thing for quite sometime now.  I have recently decided to build up my network.  To do so,  I have begun building an Atomic Tribe over at Triberr.  Feel free to join and help the network grow. You must have an active twitter account and it doesn't matter if it's special needs related or not. Click Here to request an invite. Basically, this allows me to to leverage Twitter to help share my family's story and spread #Autism and special needs parenting awareness. Right now,  my network has a reach of 1.5 million people and it's growing every day. What I would like to do is help you share your story or #Autism/Special needs related website/blog. This would happen by the way of guest posting.…


I’m down 2 kids

My Dad called this morning and wanted to pick up Elliott and take him to Youngstown to visit relatives and help with a repair job. This is a great chance for Elliott to get away and be a kid. No sooner did I get off the phone with my Dad, when Lizze's Mom called and wants to keep Gavin's overnight again.  Wow... We're down two kids today.  They are going to swing by and grab Gavin's meds for today and tomorrow.  If we think life is bad now,  if Gavin misses his meds.....  This means that all we have today is the screaming Emmett,  who is probably going to scream more when he wakes up and finds Elliott gone.  :-( Elliott is saying goodbye to Bella in this picture.  This…



Over that past few days,  Emmett has had some really great moments.  Grocery shopping was fun, drawing with sidewalk chalk and walking the dogs was fun as well.  However,  the time outside of these moments has been spent screaming. Lizze and I can't figure out what's wrong. He doesn't have any mouth sores at the moment and it isn't directly tied to one of the other boys pushing his buttons. Emmett screams while the boys are home and at school. When Emmett was younger, we used to say this was an Autistic day.  By that we meant that he would display more #Autism related symptoms on said day, when compared to another. I wish I knew what the hell was going on because the screaming gets old really, really fast. …


Mystery Picture: 10/06/2012

I thought I would lighten the mood a little. So I wanted to see if you could guess what this picture is.  This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Spiderman at the grocery store

Mr.  Emmett John, aka Spiderman,  aka Captain Independent was a really big help at the grocery store yesterday.  Emmett is by far the most profoundly affected by #Autism, so I try to spend some extra time working with him on life skills that promote independence and self esteem.  At the grocery store,  he helped by pushing the cart and loading items into the cart.  He was occasionally distracted by the items that needed to be lined up on the store shelves.  He would stop and fix something he felt to to messy.  It was really cute.  The only other oddity was that, if left to his own devices, be would have bought two of everything.  I don't know why that is but Elliott does the very same thing.  Neither one …