On a serious note :-)

I wanted to share this sign from the pediatrician's office yesterday.  Look at this as a PSA.  :-) Hope you get a smile from this.  I thought it was really funny. I think I shared this awhile ago but wanted to share it again, ya know, for my new readers.  :-) Seriously though folks, please don't leave your poop behind.  :-)    

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Color me impressed

We met with Dr. Patti tonight. This time we had Gavin hang with Lizze's Mom so that we could talk to the boys. We wanted to talk to Elliott and Emmett about Gavin and the whole residential treatment thing. As the conversation went forward and we were trying to help Elliott to feel a little better about what will be happening, something really interesting happened. We were discussing why Gavin needed to move out and how his current behaviors were effecting everyone, especially Elliott and Emmett. Dr. Patti asked Elliott how he felt when Gavin was throwing a tantrum. Elliott replied by saying that it really scared him. Then the craziest thing happened. Elliott asked if he could draw a picture of how he felt. We of course, said absolutely.…


Captain Independent

Let me introduce to you Captain Independent,  aka Emmett John. Emmett has been wanting to do everything on his own lately. His latest success has been putting himself into his carseat.  He can even do the buckles all by himself.  :-) Having said that,  it's not always a quick process.  We are having to leave a little bit early so that he can buckle himself in.  Today it only took a few minutes and he's so determined to do this.  Lizze and I do our very best to make sure we support his need for independence, as we think it's awesome.  Sometimes we have to help him along because we do have to get to our destinations as close to on time as possible. Most of the time he's okay…


Today’s #Autism Victory: 3MM3TT

Today at therapy, Emmett was playing with the magnetic numbers and letters while waiting for his turn. Next thing I know, he comes running over,  using his outside voice saying,  "I wrote my name, I wrote my name".  Lizze and I went over and this is what we found.  I'm super duper duper proud of him.  I love the way he improvised and with the 3's. :-)  I feel so happy when I see him do things like this.  He's come so far in such a short amount of time.  I'm one proud papa bear.  :-)


Making Memories

Today was pretty productive so far.  I'll share how Elliott’s appointment went a little later.  Right now I just wanted to share a picture of me and Elliott from our adventures today. I love these pictures because they will provide memories for a lifetime. I also love to see him smiling.  When he has days that don't go so well for him,  I can look at the pictures and remember that we do have better days.  :-)


Lizze’s Journey: Rheumotology

I wanted to let everyone know that Lizze's journey to better health has taken a new turn. I spoke with the Cleveland Clinic and Lizze has an appointment with rheumotology. This is going to address her fibromyalgia and hopefully provided her with some relief from the constant pain. We will be making the trip on October 23 and meeting with a specialist. Hopefully they will be able to address her pain and provide her with new treatment options. At this point anything is better than what she living through right now.


What has special needs parenting taught you?

I've been a special needs parent for over a decade now.  One of the things I have learned along the way is that I don't everything.  In fact, I know just enough to know that I still have a lot to learn. Having said that,  I think one of the most valuable lessons that I have learned along the way has been a real eye opener for me. I learned very early on, that I should never, never take anything for granted. Things can change in the blink of an eye and you can find yourself desperately missing what you didn't know you had.  That's one of the reasons I reach out beyond just the special needs community.  I feel that even the "typical"  families can learn from our experiences. …


The Child of Rage (Viewer discretion advised)

The Child of Rage The Child of Rage is a documentary about a 6 year old little girl that was abused at a very young way and because of that, can't make any emotional connections. She has no conscience and hurts people with absolutely no remorse.  I wanted to share this documentary with you all. Several of my readers had recommended this film to me and I found it on YouTube. It's only about 30 minutes long but it's a long 30 minutes. I don't really know what to say about what I just saw. I think that for those of you out there thinking a child could never do the things that I have shared with you over the years through this blog, this will be an eye opener.…