The IVIG Infusion

Instead of going to school tomorrow, Gavin will be heading up to Akron Children's Hospital.  He will be receiving his monthly antibody infusion, to treat his primary immunodeficiency. I haven't written much about that lately and thought that perhaps some of you were unaware that Gavin receives IVIG every month. I think he's quickly approaching the 2 year anniversary of his first infusion. He will need these for the rest of his life, barring some break through in medical science. He typically does pretty well with these infusions and his body seems to tolerate the foreign antibodies pretty well. I wish this wasn't necessary but unfortunately, it is. Hopefully, tomorrow will be another relatively pain free experience for him. Fingers crossed.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy…


We survived yet another tantrum

Gavin had a huge tantrum, shortly after arriving home from school today.  He lost his choice for dinner tonight because we caught him lying to us again. The tantrum began in the dining room and eventually was moved upstairs and into his bedroom.. This was probably the most aggressive to date however, it was short lived. I flat out told him that I knew he was doing this on purpose and that was evident by the many times he stopped to check the time or his heart rate. I told him that if he makes contact with anything other than his mattress or screamed into anything other than his pillow,  he would be having oatmeal for breakfast in the morning. No sooner did I say that,  he stopped, dead in…

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Fibromyalgia: Invisible Pain

I wanted to share something with all of you.  Some of you are already aware but many of my new readers may not be.  My wife suffers from something called Fibromyalgia.  Fibromyalgia is a chronic, invisible but very, very real and debilitating pain disorder.  I'm by no means an expert but I have learned a great deal from having to watch my wife suffer through this, with little or no help. One of the biggest obstacles in treatment, in my opinion, is that many doctors don't believe that Fibromyalgia is real.  In the case of my wife,  when things get so bad that I have to take her to the hospital, she is often times treated as though she is a drug seeker.  The problem is that there are no…


Voices in #Autism and Special Needs Parenting: The voice of Bryan W.

Welcome to the very first edition of Voices of #Autism and Special Needs Parenting. This something new that I'm trying out and I really hope to see it take off. Basically, I'm helping others to share their stories, experience and let their personal voice be heard. This is so important, at least in my opinion, because it helps to demonstrate the profound and dynamic difference there with #Autism, when going from person to person and family to family. Not everyone has the same experience, even with the same diagnosis. This is where #Autism Awareness, in it's current form is broken. Not enough people recognise that no two people with #Autism are the same. Far too many assumptions are made. In the first of many voices, I would like to share Brian W's…



I'm feeling really overwhelmed this morning.  To be honest, it's sorta residual stress I was feeling yesterday. This whole residential placement situation is so stressful.  If the funding board is not convinced that this is in Gavin's best interest, they won't approve funding.  If they feel that the likelihood of success is to slim, they won't approve funding.  If they feel that we should try other ideas first, so that Gavin can stay in our home, they won't approve funding.  Their goal is to do everything possible, not to remove the child from the home. What's happens if they dot approve the funding? Where will we be then? There is literally a 0% chance that we could fund this on our own. We would have to cover almost $500 per…


More signs of regression :-(

Today we received some concerning news in the mail. The results of Gavin's Ohio Standardized Test scores showed up.  They were really, really low.  I don't have the previous results on hand to compare but I will be talking to the school today. I'm really concerned about this because he's regressing still. I think that we have forgotten about the regression in the wake of everything else that he has going on. Having said that, we still very much need to get to the bottom of what's going on. This is extremely important and we are going to have to divert resources to finding the answers.


Stories of #Autism

Something that I absolutely love to do, is help other people share their personal experience with #Autism. Sometimes the experience is that of a parent of someone with #Autism and other times it's a person with #Autism that wants to share their story. I always feel so honored that anyone would want to share of piece of their lives with not only me, but my readers as well. I think this is so important.  Lost and Tired is a place that openly embraces and accepts everyone. I know that everyone has a story and everyone has different life experience. I don't take issue with a persons personal views or opinions. For example, there is so much division in the #Autism community over things like vaccines, treatments, approaches to #Autism and even terminology. Lost…


Operation Hope: The last minute meeting 10/10/2012

We had a last minute appointment with wraparound this morning.  Our coordinator wanted us to meet with a family life specialist.  Forgive me is I got the title wrong. Basically, her job is to provide support for our family. Anyway, we met with her this morning and discussed everything that we we're going through with Gavin. We talked about our need for funding, in order to cover residential placement.  I'll be really honest, I think we got off on the wrong foot. She wanted to know if we had tried sensory processing therapy to treat Gavin's reactive attachment disorder.  At this point I got defensive because I was like what does that have to do with reactive attachment disorder? She told me that sensory integration was something that helps kids…