In honor of my son

  In honor of the 4th anniversary of Gavin's adoption. I wanted to share the letter I wrote to the judge, petitioning for the right to adopt him. This is a very emotional letter and in it, I share what it felt like to lose him to #Autism.  This may also give you a little more insight into why our lives have turned out the way they have. It's been an uphill battle since the beginning.  Happy Gotcha Day Gavin. No matter what, we will always love you. :-)   To whom it may concern, Why do I want to adopt Gavin? What does it mean to be a father? I have been asked the question, Why do I want to adopt Gavin? This should be very simple to answer but it is…


My “Hell Yeah” moment for the day

Every once in awhile,  I have one of those moments that have me screaming hell yeah! Today was one of those moments.  I was able to fill the gas tank in the van for $31.00. This is thanks to Giant Eagles Fuel Perks program.  Look,  I don't always have very high expectations for what qualifies as a hell yeah moment.  At this very moment,  when I don't have any money, having $31.00 fill the tank, is a pretty big deal.  Especially since we will be having at least one trip to the Cleveland Clinic and one trip to Akron Children's Hospital this week alone.  It's the little things in life.  :-)


How does your child with #Autism watch TV?

This is completely random but I thought it could be interesting nonetheless. So here's what happened. Emmett has this thing about watching TV while hanging upside down. I suspect this is sensory related but it could also be an Emmett-ismas well. I thought for today's discussion, we could share the peculiar ways our kids like to watch TV.


Let me apologize

I want to take a few minutes and say how grateful I am for all of my readers, followers and tribe members.  I'm so thankful that I have met all of you and learned something about your lives.  I wanted to explain a few things going on with this site and my plans for the future. First things first, we moved to a different server about a week or so ago. The transition was relatively quick and painless but not without a few casualties.  The most significant loss was that of the #Autism Help Forums.  The database didn't survive the move and so I'm in the process of rebuilding the forums.  The other problem I ran into was email.  I lost my stored messages.  Not a huge deal but some…


Mondays are never fun

We were able to figure out why Emmett has been less than pleasant the past few days. He's hit a new fever flare. His mouth is covered in sores and he's miserable. This means that for the next 7-10 days, he's going to be just as miserable. I'm not looking forward to this, as I'm sure Emmett isn't either. You can see two of those sores in the picture below. You just have to look through the chocolate coconut ice cream all over his face.


Buried alive

As I lay on the couch to write,  I find myself buried alive.  I'm not buried alive in work, stress or housework.  Okay, well I am but that's not what I'm referring to.  Right now, I'm buried alive in dogs. That's right, dogs. Bella and Maggie are determined to absorb all of my stress through the process of osmosis. Maggies laying across my legs and Bella is laying across my waist. They're sorta like a 125 lbs of weighted blanket.  I can understand why Lizze and the boys find comfort in this. 


First times

Elliott is off to school this morning, without Gavin.  It was kinda strange seeing Elliott walk into the school,  all by himself.  This will take some getting used to, for both of us.  The other strange thing will be picking up Elliott from school and not Gavin. My Mom will be getting Gavin and watching him until Lizze's Mom gets home from work. There will be some logistical complications that I can already see,  as I look into the future. I will simply cross that bridge when we get to it. I hope everyone has a great day..... I know that I'm going to try to. 


Operation Hope: Time for recovery

I can't quite explain how it feels to send a child away for the good of the family. I keep thinking that I can make some profound statement that will help you understand, but I'm at a loss for words. My good friend Carol Young from the awesome website Why not Fathers is going through something very similar with his son Marc. Honestly, I don't know too many people that have had to do something like this. I think that I've known, on some level, that this was always going to happen. In reality, we really did make it work for a long time. Having said that, this was long overdue. I've said this before but I'll say it again. At this point, I'm still pretty numb because Gavin's been…