Lizze’s Journey: Holy Intake Batman

Wow,  this is one of the longest intakes I have ever experienced. All I can say is Holy Intake Batman, this is taking forever. Seriously though, some of her records were messed up and needed to be reentered, while we were there. Emmett remains patient, at least for now.


Operation Hope: Lizze’s journey begins

We have arrived at the Cleveland Clinic, fashionably late.  Traffic was unbelievable.  Lizze is getting checked in and I'm hanging out with Emmett, who's doing really well.  Hopefully, hopefully we will find some answers for Lizze.  Part of Operation Hope is getting Lizze's health back on the right path.  Most of her ailments are stress induced. Unfortunately, Gavin creates tons and tons of stress.  This is the first chance we have had to try to get her pain under control. I want to make the most of this for her.


The adventure begins

Of course, the one time the boys sleep past 5am, we have to wake them up.  We are on our way to drop Elliott off at my parents and then head to the Cleveland Clinic. We're doing this during rush hour traffic.  This will quite likely be a really fun drive.  However, Emmett seems to be okay for now and in a surprising good mood as well.  Wish us luck today.  :-)


Animals and #Autism: Creature Comforts

I'm so truly grateful that we have blessed to two fantastic dogs.  Both Bella and Maggie as so sensitive to the boys needs. Elliott has been having a rough time with everything lately.  He very often has nightmares and is afraid to be alone in his room, especially at night.  Bella seems to sense this and glues herself to him, literally.  She essentially wraps herself around him and lays her head across his chest. She has been taking to Elliott at night because Emmett doesn't like sharing his bed with her at night right now. Not sure what brought that on but Emmett's been presenting with behaviors that we thought he had grown out of.  Now they're back.  Either way, I grateful that Bella and Maggie are in our lives.…


Truly Inspirational

I came across this on YouTube and thought you should see this. What this person did took so much courage. I truly admire Mr. Scott James for wanting to break through the stereotypes surrounding #Autism and there are many. Check out this video. It's so uplifting and inspirational, I just had to share it with all of you.

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The best made plans

We had a slight change of plans for today. Emmett is getting worse and the sores are moving down his throat.  He has to go to Dr. Handwork's office in the afternoon.  Right now, we aren't sure if the Cleveland Clinic is going to happen. If Emmett's feeling okay when he wakes up, we may try to make Lizze's appointment. If he's not, we'll reschedule Lizze's appointment. Emmett's absolutely miserable but there's nothing we can do.  He's not sick,  in the strictest sense of the word.  Right now, he's in a PFAPA related fever flare. However,  he may have an ear infection as he's mentioned his ear today.  Could be nothing, could be something. We need to make sure that there isn't anything going on that we could help him…


In honor of my son

  In honor of the 4th anniversary of Gavin's adoption. I wanted to share the letter I wrote to the judge, petitioning for the right to adopt him. This is a very emotional letter and in it, I share what it felt like to lose him to #Autism.  This may also give you a little more insight into why our lives have turned out the way they have. It's been an uphill battle since the beginning.  Happy Gotcha Day Gavin. No matter what, we will always love you. :-)   To whom it may concern, Why do I want to adopt Gavin? What does it mean to be a father? I have been asked the question, Why do I want to adopt Gavin? This should be very simple to answer but it is…


My “Hell Yeah” moment for the day

Every once in awhile,  I have one of those moments that have me screaming hell yeah! Today was one of those moments.  I was able to fill the gas tank in the van for $31.00. This is thanks to Giant Eagles Fuel Perks program.  Look,  I don't always have very high expectations for what qualifies as a hell yeah moment.  At this very moment,  when I don't have any money, having $31.00 fill the tank, is a pretty big deal.  Especially since we will be having at least one trip to the Cleveland Clinic and one trip to Akron Children's Hospital this week alone.  It's the little things in life.  :-)