Fruit salad…out of paper

Elliott made me a fruit salad when he came home from school today.  While I can't eat this particular fruit salad because it happens to be made of paper, it still looks good enough to eat.  :-) He made: Watermelon, strawberries, bananas, lime,  oranges and cherries.  Yummy :-)


The little brother cries

I spoke with Lizze's mom this afternoon because I wanted to be sure that we all stayed on the same page.  This is extremely important with a child like Gavin. If we don't, there is likely to be gaps in communication that can turn into something that was completely avoidable.  According to grandma, he's doing pretty well there and hasn't had any significant problems.  I'm not super sure what exactly went down with the whole hospital thing and stuff he was saying or asking about.  At this point, I'm gonna chalk that up to miscommunication I think.  However, there is a problem and that involves how Gavin is treating Elliott at school. At no point did we ever tell Gavin that he wasn't allowed to talk to his brother Elliott,…


The #Autism Help Forums

I wanted to let everyone know that the Autism Help Forums are officially back online.  I rebuilt the forums entirely from scratch and I think that they are better than ever. You will have to register but that only takes a minute.  Stop on by and introduce yourself in the Meet and Greet forum.  Let's get these forums rocking once again and provide each other with support. I know it's hard to be one of the first posters, so I started a fun topic in the Ice Breakers forum. It should be fun to share our thoughts on the kids shows we most despise. :-) You can find the Autism Help Forums either by clicking the link at the top of this post or the Autism Help Forums link at…


Playing ships with Emmett :-)

I have been playing ships with Emmett for about an hour now.  He's using this toy helicopter and I get to use this amazing creation that he built, just for me.  I have to say, that while playing ships has a pretty confusing storyline, it's awesome to see Emmett’s mind working.  I love hearing new things come out of his mouth, especially with all the concern of regression.  All we are doing is flying around.  Sometimes we crash and other times we have to fight bad guys.  I have to say that Emmett is an amazing helicopter piolet.  I didn't know helicopters could maneuver like that.  I'm pretty sure we're. Reading just about every law of physics known to man.  As I said, simply amazing. I absolutely love playing imaginary…


The #Autism Help Forums Grand Reopening is today

The #Autism Help Forums will reopen later this morning. As you may recall, the forums didn't survive the recent move and I had to rebuild from scratch. It's a very time consuming process but I'm close enough to reopen to the public. I will be adding new forums as needed. You will have to sign up again, but unfortunately, there's no way around that. I've put up several forums and think they cover the most common topics. Please help me make the Autism Help Forums a successful once again. :-) You can find the link at the tip of this page or simply visit


I need a miracle (An Honesty Post)

It's 3am and I'm not sleeping, obviously. I'm way to stressed out to sleep. I just need to vent for a little bit. Things around the Lost and Tried household are becoming more and more difficult. Yes, Gavin is out of the house.  However, that isn't some type of magic fix.  That was one fire and we have countless others left to put out.  Lizze is steadily going down hill and that means that I have to carry more and more responsibility.  How much is one person capable of carrying before they are crushed under the weight? As much as I try to find balance between working and taking care of Lizze and the boys, I just can't seem to find it.  We desperately need me working but at the…


Divide and Conquer

We consulted with Gavin's doctors today about how to address the the things he's saying about Lizze and I. You may recall from my previous post, that Gavin is telling his grandmother that we are basically sending him away so that he can be hooked up to an IV and have medical experiments performed on him, for about 5 years. My instinct is to immediately confront him about this and let him know that it's not going to work.  However, it's been pointed out that this could simply be Gavin's way of trying to force interactions with us and drive a wedge between everyone involved. It totally agree with that and so I have adjusted my plan of attack accordingly.  The revised plan is to do nothing.  That's right,  nothing. …


Operation Hope: The lying games

The honeymoon period is officially over and Gavin is going to work on Lizze's parents.  On one hand, it's comforting to know that it isn't just us.  On the other hand, I feel totally betrayed....again. Gavin has begun the psychological warfare and is trying to gain sympathy and create tension between Lizze's parents and us. He's doing this by using one of his natural talents, lying.  He has told his grandmother that Lizze and I are sending him to a hospital that have him hooked up to an IV so they can perform medical experiments on him.  He also informed her that he would be there for almost four or five years.  Are you friggin kidding me?  WTF Gavin? Of course, she knew that wasn't true and let Lizze know…