We made it to Akron Children’s Hospital :-)

We made it to Akron Children's Hospital after a somewhat hectic morning.  Thankfully, we didn't have to pull Elliott out of school because school was canceled already. Hopefully we will find that all is okay with Elliott.  He's probably going to need bloodwork this afternoon in order to find out what's going on.  When we get back, we are going to see Lizze's Grandfather.  Please God, let this afternoon go well.


Please pray for Lizze’s Grandfather

Lizze just received a call about her Grandfather.  We need to say our goodbyes as soon as possible.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.  Please keep Lizze and her family in them as well, especially Lizze's dad. 


Change of plans

Elliott will be seen in immunology today.  We need to make sure that he hasn't developed an allergy since he was tested last year. This will likely be a really fun appointment.  However, it's a necessary evil at this point.  Fingers crossed that everything is okay. :-)


Crisis Averted

Shortly after Gavin arrived home, Lizze's mom called to say she would be swinging back around to pick him up. Apparently, power was out at work for her and so she was able to pick up Gavin and bring him home.  Thank God for that amazing twist of fate. I honestly wasn't sure how today was going to go. Thankfully, we won't have to find out. 



Hurricane Sandy caused enough damage in Canton Ohio that there is no school today.  Are you freaking kidding me? WTF To make matters worse, we hadn't planned for this and now Gavin will be coming home for the day.  This has thrust everyone else into chaos and Lizze is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She has been so traumatized by Gavin's behaviors that the mere thought of him coming  home is to much.  I don't know how today is going to go but I'm trying to remain positive so that I can be what everyone needs me to be. Hopefully, we can pull through this unexpected turn of events.


Looks like it might be peanut allergies

It appears as though Elliott has developed a tree nut allergy.  He's complaining that his throat hurts every time he eats an almond. He then breaks out in these weird bumps, sorta like hives. This has been going on for awhile but with everything else going on, we hadn't put 2 and 2 together. We are calling his immunologist first thing in the morning. I'm really hoping he doesn't have a peanut allergy. 


Please pray for those on the east coast

I was wondering how everyone in the east coast was fairing during this unbelievable storm? I'm in North East Ohio and we are getting unbelievable winds right now.  I can't imagine how everyone is doing on the coastal states.  We've lost power twice tonight already.  I've got some flashlights ready and our phone batteries charged. Hopefully, we won't need them.  Please know that the thoughts and prayers of the Lost and Tired family are with you.  Stay safe and take care of yourselves. 

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Survival Mode

My younger brother is getting married this weekend.  Tim and Jenna make an amazing couple and we welcome Jenna to the family with open arms.  Lizze and I are both so happy for them and support them completely. Sadly however, we will be unable attend the wedding.  Things for my immediate family - Lizze, Elliott, Emmett, Gavin and myself- are not going so well. Lizze is in the worst place she's been in since her whole health crisis began many years ago.  There is absolutely no way she could physically handle going to the wedding.  The lights, smells and noise would simply be to much for her.  Gavin doesn't live with us anymore and Elliott and Emmett are already struggling enough right now without being overstimulated by everything they would…