Forum Friday: Has your child experienced regression?

Welcome to the return of Forum Fridays. Today's topic is on regression and can be found in the Autism Help Forums ------------> Here If you haven't already signed up for the forums you can do so quickly and easily. Even if you haven't experience regression with your child, perhaps you can provide comfort to those that have.  


Lizze’s sleep disorder journey: What we learned

As you know, Lizze and I returned to the Cleveland Clinic yesterday for an appointment with the sleep specialist. Lizze has been having significant issues with sleep over the years and we were not happy with the care she has received on the local level. Her new doctor is awesome.  She met with us for almost and hour and a half.  Lizze was asked more questions than she has ever been asked before and a very,  very detailed history was taken. At this point, she doesn't know for sure what's going on but Lizze is definitely suffering from chronic sleep deprivation. The doctor thinks that there are many factors contributing to this, among the worst of them is most likely stress. In the coming weeks, Lizze will be having another…


We’ve hit a pretty big milestone

When you are a special needs parent, especially to a child with #Autism, you're used to things like missed milestones. The very nature of #Autism is that of developmental delay. The Lost and Tired family is no exception to this. In my family, we miss lots of milestones.  Having said that, we try not to focus on those too much.  I've found over the years that focusing on the milestones missed tends to take our focus off of moving forward. Missed milestones are important, don't get me wrong.  We just do our best to celebrate all of the milestones we do hit. Yesterday, Emmett celebrated a pretty big milestone, while not developmental, it's a milestone nonetheless.  My little Emmett John has officially outgrown his 5 point harness.  Now we remove…


Confessions of depressed special needs Dad: Update 11/02/2012

It's been a little while since I updated everyone on my personal battle with depression. For those of you new to this blog, I have been very open and honest about my struggles with depression.  My hope is that by creating dialog, we can quash some of the stigma attached to depression. I've personally been on and off antidepressants for the last 15 years or so.  About a year and a half ago,  I went to my doctor because I was feeling the all too familiar pull of depression, beginning to pull me under.  I was put on 20mg of Paxil.  That worked well for a little while but eventually, the dose was increased to 40mg/day. Typically, I'm doing okay. I could always be worse but I could definitely be…


My heart breaks again

This morning, Emmett was picked up by Lizze's mom.  She hung out with him all day long.  Right before she arrived, Emmett began freaking out.  He didn't want to go alone.  When he say her car pull up, he wanted to know where Gavin was. Lizze explained that he was at school.  Emmett aked her when he was coming home.  Lizze answered that he wasn't coming home today.  Emmett looked at her and said that he doesn't want Gavin to come home.  Once he said that, we figured out why he was stressing out about going to see Grandma today.  He was afraid that Gavin would be there.  Lizze and I were totally taken aback by this.  Up to that point, Emmett had remained largely silent about Gavin in general. …


Gavin’s Autonomic Journey: Update 11/01/2012

I received a phone call from Dr. Moodley's office this morning, in regards to Gavin's autonomic disorder. The reason for the call is that Gavin has been dealing with a rather unstable heart rate. Basically, his heart rate will bounce in either direction.  Sometimes, out of nowhere, his heart rate will just from a resting rate of 60 bpm all the way up to 150 bpm. Other times, his heart rate will suddenly drop from a resting rate of 60 bpm down to 39-40 bpm. It goes goes without saying that this is not a good thing.  Dr.  Moodley, Gavin autonomic specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, wants him on a new medication.  He believes that these episodes of irregular heart rates are mini autonomic crises. Gavin will be placed on…


Lizze’s sleep journey

Lizze and I will once again be spending the day at the Cleveland Clinic.  This trip is dedicated to the sleep doctor.  Lizze has a condition called idiopathic hypersomnia. Basically, she needs 15+ hours of sleep a day, whereas most people only need 6-8 hours.  You may remember that for a long time, she was literally sleeping almost all day, everyday. For the past few months though, in a big fat, ironic twist of fate, she's been battling insomnia.  She can go days in end without sleeping. Considering everything that we have going on, that's definitely not a good thing, not that it would ever be a good thing.  We are desperately hoping that she can get some help.  I can only imagine that sleep deprivation would make everything worse…

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