Should the @YMCA be allowed to discriminate against kids with #Autism

I'm sharing this petition with all of you.  I didn't write this and I have no first hand knowledge of this particular account.  I will say that this isn't the first time I have heard of something like this happening. It's sad, that in this day and age we are dealing with this type of situation.  Is it reasonable for the YMCA to provide services for every child, regardless of the challenges presented by that child?  I think that there needs to be a line drawn somewhere but at the same time, there needs to be transparency and a very clear set of guidelines.  Parents need to know, going into the program, what the expectations will be and what will happen if a child presents with behaviors that they simply…


The days last appointment

We are waiting for our turn at Dr.  Reynolds office.  He's running a bit behind today so we have a few minutes.   Lizze is teaching the boys to play tic tak toe. Is that how you spell it? I don't know how long the boys are going to last today but hopefully it's enough to make it through the last appointment for the day. I'm totally praying that we can walk out of this appointment with something to help Elliott magange his anxiety.  He needs relief from that and it would really be nice if we could give that to him. Fingers crossed.


#Autism can be frustrating

Thankfully, I'm feeling a bit better this morning.  Emmett on the other hand, doesn't appear to be. He's become very, very persnickety. I think there are many contributing factors to his demeanor and none of it is really his fault.  Having said that, simply because we don't blame him for how he's acting doesn't mean it impacts us any less.  I assure you, listening to anyone scream their head off over seemingly random things, doesn't get easier with time. In fact, to be completely honest, it slowly erodes away what's left of my sanity. I wish I knew how to help Emmett through, whatever it is he's going through. I wish I could remove what is so clearly burdening him.  The problem is, I can't really do any of that.…


Manic Monday: Oh crap, I forgot

We remembered at the last minute this morning, that Elliott has an appointment with Dr.  Reynolds.  That one realization changed almost all of our plans for today. First starters, Elliott will likely be home from school for the day.  This appointment will be about Elliott's anxiety and the possibility of addressing the ADHD and anxiety with kids every single medication. I don't know how this afternoon is going to go, especially after Gavin comes home from school.  Hopefully, we'll have a survivable day.


Out sick today

It looks like I'm getting sick.  Nothing serious, most likely ahead cold.  My head is pounding and I'm all congested. Before I got too bad, I ran to Walgreens and picked up some NyQuil.  I'm writing this as I'm waiting for it to take me away to dreamland.  I don't know how this week is going to go if I'm sick.  We're supposed to meet with Wraparound in the morning and Gavin will be home in the afternoons for most of the week. If this is what Emmett is coming down with, I can certainly understand why he's been grouchy.  I don't get sick very often but when I do, I tend to get really sick. I hope is that I can sleep this off tonight and feel better in…

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Out of commission

Lizze is in so much pain today that she's been getting sick, on and off, all day long. I can't get her to drink much of anything.  I'm probably going to have to figure out a way to sneak out and get her some gatorade.  I wish we could catch a friggin break. This week is going to be exceptionally rough because Gavin will be coming home after school because my parents car is in the shop and with the recent death in the family, they will likely be spending some time out of town, with family. All completely understandable. However, having Gavin back in the house is really going to cause significant disruption for Lizze and the boys. This is going to be a very, very long week.


The Turtle Tubby

I was teaching Emmett about how the Tortoise needs to be able to take a bath. I explained that even though she doesn't live in the water, she still needs moisture. Emmett help in giving Turtle Turtle a bath this afternoon.  We found a small container and put an inch or so of room temperature water into it.  Apparently, Turtle Turtle needed stickers on the container as well. She really enjoyed her soak and Emmett made sure she was able to get her shell wet as well. He was very gentle and did a great job. I think I'm going to make a responsibility chart for Turtle Turtle's needs. This will help get the boys into a routine and ensure that her needs are met.  I'm really proud of my…


Mystery Solved

I guess stating that the mystery solved is probably not entirely accurate.  It's more like, part of the mystery is solved, maybe. I've been trying to figure out what's been going on with Emmett, especially today.  While I don't believe that it's any one thing, I do believe that he's getting sick. I can hear it in his voice.  I don't yet know if he's getting sick sick or hitting another fever flare. Either way, I feel very comfortable saying that this clearly has an impact on his overall demeanor. I hope whatever he's going through passes quickly, for his sake and ours as well.