What’s your favorite kids show?

Perhaps this is going to sound weird but a few months back,  I asked a similar question.  I asked what kids show you hated the most.  That was a hugely successful discussion. I thought it would be interesting to ask you what your favorite kids show is. Don't be embarrassed, we all have them.  The truth is that sometimes our kids can like a certain show or cartoon that we as parents, actually don't mind watching.  In my case, I like the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series. I grew up with TMNT and I don't mind saying that I enjoy watching them with my boys.  Your turn.  :-)


Operation Hope: Update 11/08/2012

I wanted to update you all on the current status of Operation Hope. In short, we've made no further progress in the Gavin front. We have however, made some progress on the Lizze front. I have had her to the Cleveland Clinic twice already and she has found new doctors that she absolutely loves.  This is a huge positive because Lizze is very picky about her health care providers. I'm happy because they are from the Cleveland Clinic and that means they are among the best in the country.  As far as Gavin goes, wraparound is waiting for records to get released and transfered so they can fill out the required paperwork to submit for funding. Honestly, things are going much slower than I had anticipated and that makes me…

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Kids can suffer from depression as well

Elliott is full on sad.  He has even begun punishing himself for things he feels he has done wrong. By punishing himself, I mean sending himself to his room, grounding himself from his own toys and not eating dinner.  Lizze and I have both spoken with him and it doesn't seem to help. We explained that we would let him know if he's done something wrong.  Maybe he's depressed?  That's entirely possible. We begin his anti anxiety medication this weekend.  Lizze and I prefer beginning medications when we will personally be there to observe him.  We like to do the same thing with Gavin as well. Perhaps the anti anxiety medications will help him to not worry so much about everything. I'm wondering if maybe he is suffering from depression. …


I’d swear it was a Monday

I haven't written much today.  I'm so beyond overwhelmed that I can barely think. This morning started off bad and continued through those evening.  I was running late getting Elliott to school today.  It normally only takes a few minutes but apparently there must have been a pretty major water main break that had traffic a bit congested.  Did I mention I was already late? Cause I was. After that, Lizze, Emmett and I went to Walmart to go grocery shopping.  After arriving however, we discovered that the store was without power and we would have to drive to the other side of town. We finally arrived and managed to get all of our shopping done and Emmett was a really big help.  However, after going through the self checkout…


Screw you time change

I hate the time change.  I hate it with every fiber of my being. Arbitrarily changing the time forward and backwards is not compatible with raising children that have #Autism.  In my experience, their bodies don't adjust easily to the change.  In fact, it takes my kids weeks, yes I said weeks, to adjust to the change. During that time, I'll experience nights like the one I had last night.  The kids will wake up in the middle night and not be able to go back to sleep. Last night happen to be Elliott's turn. I was already sleeping on the couch so that Lizze had a better chance of sleeping. Elliott came down at like 3am and would go back to sleep. It's like that 1 hour change in…


My sad little panda

Elliott has been really sad today and I'm concerned about him. It seems that he's preoccupied with something but won't talk about it.  The only thing I can really do is make sure he knows that he can talk to me about anything and at anytime. There is a chance he's getting sick. That could explain his demeanor today. The school told us today that there is a stomach bug going around and it's hitting a lot of the students.  I'm really hoping that he's not sick but at the same I wouldn't like it if he was indeed sad about something. Right now,  he's my sad little panda.


Is our election process fair?

I want to upfront and honest, I did not vote for President Obama, in either election.  However, having said that, what I think about how we elect our leaders has nothing to do nothing who wins or who loses. As I'm writing this, President Obama appears to have been reelected.  While I'm bothered by this, my concern lies in the fact that someone can be elected to this country's highest office without winning the popular vote.  I believe there have been elections where the Republicans have benefited from the electoral college as well. In truth, I didn't agree with that either. In my personal opinion, I believe that the people's voice should carry more weight then the electoral college.  To me, it's insane that the majority of voters declare that…


Disappointed but not surprised

All three of the house had therapy today.  Lizze and I both went because one of us needed to follow Gavin. I'll just cut to the chase here.  Gavin was not listening very well and in some cases, trying to dictate tobhis therapist what he was going to do. I caught and corrected him 3 times and Lizze did as well once or twice. He insisted that what Lizze was saying was untrue. He claims that he doesn't remember saying and doing what she caught him saying and doing. He did the same thing to me but he knew he was busted because I had witnessed it myself.. However, because I wasn't present for what happened while Lizze was watching him, he continued to deny that it happened. It was…