Making the best of a bad situation

Today is off to a rough start.  Lizze is in really rough shape and is very sick. I'm unsure of what's going on but I do know that she is absolutely miserable. Elliott and Emmett are full of energy but playing nicely - for the most part anyways- together. I'm honestly feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment.  I have to much that needs done and not enough of me to do it. I also woke up to an overdrawn checking account because in all the chaos, I paid a bill out of the wrong account.  Thankfully, it's under a hundred dollars because that increases the likely hood of me being able to fix this before the fees begin to pile up.  I have however, been able to write some…


#Autistic works of art: The Magic School Bus

Elliott gifted me with this picture he drew of the Magic School Bus. He drew it earlier this week but gave it to me today. I'm so proud of him and feel totally blessed to be his father.  Elliott is easily the most compassionate soul I have ever known.  Anyone that ever meets him knows just how amazing he is.  Right now, he's using the picture as a book mark in his New Super Mario Bros 2 guide book.  I hope to get my office put back together and when I do, this will be hanging in there, along with the rest of the creative things my kids have made for me.  :-)


#Autism, #Anxiety and the panic attack

This evening Elliott had an anxiety attack. I'm not really sure what brought this on.  Elliott was trying to tell us that he owes us money for something that happened to the wall in his bedroom. We were explaining the difference between what happened in his room and what Gavin has done. We tried explaining that Gavin purposefully destroyed his room and various other items around the house. Elliott just freaked out. Lizze and I spent a great deal of time trying to calm him down. He was hyperventilating and shaking.  I think it's safe to say that his anxiety is out of control. We began his new anti anxiety, tenex. We're starting off with a really small dose and building up over the next few weeks. We did manage…


#Autism, #Anxiety and the day from hell

Sorry I haven't been around today.  It's been a really long day and my attention has been elsewhere.  If you find that this blog hasn't been updated, chances are life is really rough at the moment. That's definitely been the case today. I'll update everyone in a little bit.  I just wanted you all to know that I'm still alive. It's just been really rough week. Talk to you in a little bit, right now I'm going to be hanging out with Elliott, his 3DS, The New Super Mario Bros 2 and the official strategy guide. I'll explain later. 


Excuse me, I farted

We had to run out to Sprint last night and made it a family affair.  Emmett came into the store with me and was really, deliriously tired.  We wanted to sit down but there were no empty chairs.  I picked him up and say him down on the counter, right in front of me.  We were chatting with an awesome associate, who actually made the trip lots of fun.  Anyway, a few minutes later,  Emmett began to giggle uncontrollably.  Next thing I know, he rips this extremely loud fart. We're talking,  the noise reverberated off the glass counter.  Emmett,  through his hysterical laughter, says,  excuse me I farted. The associate behind the counter, was simply dying. This was partly because it smelled unbelievably awful but also because it was the…

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The peculiar habits of your child with #Autism

As parent to 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum,  I have been witness to some peculiar behaviors and routines at times. The latest peculiar habit belongs to my sweet Emmett John.  It actually gave us a chuckle last night.  For some reason, Emmett has to take one shoe and one sock off before he walks upstairs to brush his teeth and try potty before bed.  After he brushes his teeth and uses the potty, he takes his last shoe and sock off before climbing into bed.  We have no idea why he does this but he does this quite often. It's really kinda cute but I'm not sure the he even realizes that he's doing this.  I think it's kind of an automatic thing and he doesn't actually think about…

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Thank goodness it’s Friday

Thank goodness it's Friday.  Yesterday was a really long.  Elliott will be home today because he wasn't feeling well last night and was up really, really late. I'm really, really hoping that it's not the stomach bug that going around the school. Emmett is in what appears to be another fever flare.  He has sores all over his tongue again. Having said that, Emmett is chilling on the couch with his best friend, Bellamy. She's snuggling with him and helping him to feel better.