Would you like to see companies like @SamsungMobileUS team up with @Lost_and_Tired to help #Autism?

Here's the deal. I think Samsung creates some of the most amazing pieces of technology. I know their new pieces of tech like the Galaxy Note series, not only destroy the iPad and iPhone in hardware but also in price. Even previous years models would work amazingly well for families touched by #Autism. I have worked with Samsung in the past to provide a family touched by #Autism a brand new Galaxy Tab 8.9. We did that last year actually. I have received countless inquiries from families out there, in desperate need of a tablet device for use with their child with #Autism. If I could, I would buy everyone a tablet that needs one. Unfortunately, I can't afford one either. However, I would like to know what it would mean to your family, for…


Does fruit make your child with #Autism smile?

Emmett's been into eating fruit for the last day or so. He goes through the phases where all he wants is fruit or all he wants is junk food. Today happens to be a fruit day.  As you can see, Emmett is quite happy with with his apple and orange this morning.  I'm not going to complain.  Does fruit make your kids in the #Autism spectrum smile?


What 1:30 am looks like

Elliott woke up about 1:30 am and never went back to sleep.  This meant that I couldn't go back to sleep either. Emmett woke up about 5:30 am but thankfully Lizze got up with him so I could finally go to sleep.  I'm not really sure why Elliott had such a rough time sleeping last night. I'm going to push for nap time this afternoon. Elliott needs to get sleep and be ready for school in the morning. Honestly, I can't take another sleepless night again. 


20 minutes of reading a night

Elliott is in a reading contest at school.  The challenge is for him to read for 20 minutes a night.  The classroom with the most hours, wins a pizza party.  At least that's my understanding. With all the recent Gavin drama, we have gotten a bit behind on the reading.  However, Elliott has been reading almost every night and is actually reading by himself.  One of the reasons I got him the guide to his New Super Mario Bros 2 game is because I wanted him to make his passion for video games, advance his education.  He's working very hard to read this guide in order to advance in the game. He's honing his reading skills without even realizing it. Tonight he fell asleep surrounded in his favorite books.  This…

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Helping my child with #Autism redefine perfect

For dinner last night, we had homemade pizzas. The boys each made their own and did a fantastic job.  I wanted to share their creations.  They each made theirs a little different.  Elliott put his peperoni on top of the cheese, while Emmett put his underneath the cheese. When Emmett realized that his was different than Elliott's, he panicked and had a meltdown. In the end, he was okay with what he made.  He didn't eat more than a bite but he was okay. I explained to him that his pizza was perfect because he made it all by himself.  I told him that no one else could make a pizza quite the way he did.  That made his pizza very special. Sometimes when dealing with a 4 year old…

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The one who cries the loudest

We've all heard the phrase, squeaky wheel gets the grease. In the Lost and Tired family, we have a version of this called he who cries the loudest, gets the attention. With 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum, there always seems to be something going on and somebody either crying or screaming about something.  I'm not saying that this happens simply because of the #Autism. Typically it's related to sensory issues or perhaps anxiety.  These things are just common amongst people on the #Autism spectrum. Anyway,  as a matter of survival or self-preservation, we gravitate towards the one that is the loudest.  I realize how bad that sounds but there is some logic to this.  Typically, in my family, we are very sensitive to loud noise.  So it stands to…


What do you hate most about #Autism’s impact on your child?

Here is the disclaimer.  Hopefully, this will help to avoid some of the hate mail. Please keep in mind that I'm referring to the impact #Autism has on my kids. I'm not referring to my kids themselves. My poor little Emmett John is in a fever flare again.  We noticed yesterday, that his tongue is full of little sores.  Typically, his mouth is full of really big sores when a flare up occurs.  This is new to us and aren't sure if this is better or worse than normal. Note this picture is from a previous flare. Hopefully you get the point though. I say that because the actual volume of sores is higher than normal.  They are smaller but there are more of them. Emmett doesn't really tell us…


The lighter side of #Autism: Super Cute

As loud and energetic as Emmett can be, I really appreciate these peaceful quiet moments. Yes, they are few and far between but I love watching him sleeping and not in any pain from the mouth sores associated with his fever disorder. This afternoon he fell asleep watching Penguins of Madagascar. Five minutes before I snapped this picture, he was screaming his head off. Now he's resting and hopefully preparing to wake up in a better mood. :-)