I almost died last night

Last night, Elliott woke up just before I climbed into bed. He and Emmett had been camping out in his room.  Elliott had a bad dream and couldn't go back to sleep. I finally had Elliott just crash in Emmett's bed. About 45 minutes later, I woke up out of a dead sleep, choking. I literally couldn't breathe. I wasn't choking on anything, however, my airway was completely occluded.  The only reason Lizze woke up was because I was flailing around, half on the bed and half on the floor. I honestly thought I was going to die.  The entire incident lasted about 1 minute but that was the longest minute of my life.  Finally,  my airway began to open and I couldn't breathe once again. I happened to look…


Operation Hope: Update 11/12/2012

I know I haven't had much in the way of updates on Operation Hope. Right now, it's moving at a snails pace.  In fact, I think the snail would beat us. The problem is that Wraparound is currently waiting for records to be transferred.  These records are necessary in preparation for going before the board and petitioning for funds. Unfortunately, Gavin has a lot of records.  It's going to take some time to get everything in order. At the moment, Wraparound is trying to help us with our mortgage.  We have fallen behind, not that it's a shock to anyone to hear that.  Anyways, they are helping us locate resources that might be able to help us get caught up, so we don't slip further behind. If we do manage…


Do you need an #Autism support group?

I wanted to let everyone know that the Autism Help Forums are officially back online.  I rebuilt the forums entirely from scratch and I think that they are better than ever. You will have to register but that only takes a minutes and you can register with Facebook. Stop on by and introduce yourself in the Meet and Greet forum.  Let's get these forums rocking once again and provide each other with support. Help me rebuild the community and be part of something truly amazing. I know it's hard to be one of the first posters, so I started a few topics in the Ice Breakers forum. You can find the Autism Help Forums either by clicking the link at the top of this post or the Autism Help Forums…


My new article: #Autism and the Little Victories

My latest article for Childswork is live and I would love to get your thoughts and opinions. If you get a second, PLEASE visit, Like and share the article from the Childswork Blog. Doing so will not only help my family but also spread awareness.   #Autism and the Little Victories


The lighter side of #Autism: Snuggle time

For the first time in quite some time,  Elliott snuggled with me and fell asleep on my chest.  This reminds me of when he was a baby.  I used to rock my little Elliott Richard and he'd fall asleep on my chest.  I really miss those days. As he gets older and older, these moment are few and farther between.  Thankfully, I got one of those moments today.  :-)


#Autism can be exhausting and I’m devoid of energy anymore

Do you ever find yourself without any energy? Lately, I don't have the energy to do much of anything. One of the downsides to Gavin moving out is that fact that Lizze's parents have their hands full with him and son the other boys never go anywhere and we no longer get a break. This past week has caught up with me and I'm running in fumes. Lizze has been pushing herself all day long, despite my many requests for her to rest. She has gone through most of the laundry and trust me, that was a chore. However, now she's obliterated and literally cannot move.  She's passed out on the couch from both pain and exhaustion. When she gets like this and does this much work, she's usually down…


Would you like to see companies like @SamsungMobileUS team up with @Lost_and_Tired to help #Autism?

Here's the deal. I think Samsung creates some of the most amazing pieces of technology. I know their new pieces of tech like the Galaxy Note series, not only destroy the iPad and iPhone in hardware but also in price. Even previous years models would work amazingly well for families touched by #Autism. I have worked with Samsung in the past to provide a family touched by #Autism a brand new Galaxy Tab 8.9. We did that last year actually. I have received countless inquiries from families out there, in desperate need of a tablet device for use with their child with #Autism. If I could, I would buy everyone a tablet that needs one. Unfortunately, I can't afford one either. However, I would like to know what it would mean to your family, for…


Does fruit make your child with #Autism smile?

Emmett's been into eating fruit for the last day or so. He goes through the phases where all he wants is fruit or all he wants is junk food. Today happens to be a fruit day.  As you can see, Emmett is quite happy with with his apple and orange this morning.  I'm not going to complain.  Does fruit make your kids in the #Autism spectrum smile?