Autonomic Crisis: 11/13/2012 Please pray

Lizze just called me from Akron Children's Hospital and told me that Gavin's heart rate is so high that it keeps setting off the alarms.  Right now, his resting heart rate is in the 140-150 bpm range.  While they were sitting in the lobby waiting, his HR was in the high 130's.  He's not nervous about his infusion at all.  In fact he looks forward to them. The problem is that it's not good for his heart rate to be that high, let alone a sustained HR that high. We are making phone calls in order to figure out what we are supposed to do.  His autonomic specialist is at the Cleveland Clinic but Gavin does have a kickass neurologist at Akron Children's Hospital as well.  In fact, this doctor…

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Why didn’t I think of that: An Honesty Post

Once upon a time, I had a really good job,great insurance and A+ credit. One day, this thing called life happened. Before I know it, I suffered a life altering and career ending back injury. I was neck deep in a legal battle to protect Gavin from his abusive father and paternal grandmother, that would eventually bankrupt us. Lizze's health began to fail and all three of our kids would soon be diagnosed with having #Autism. While we were down, things like our van being stolen would occur, forcing us to buy a new one that we ultimately couldn't afford. Blah Blah Blah Fast forward to the present day and I'll be fielding what feels like a constant stream of phone calls demanding money for things that I can't pay…


Who’s looking for perfect? I’m not.

Last night, Elliott and Emmett camped out in the giant tent inside Elliott's room. Elliott even slept in the tent as well.  The other night, Elliott wasn't comfortable sleeping in the tent but he did well last night.  It was so nice to see this type of togetherness between the boys.  We haven't scene this type of thing for a long time.  As more time passes, since Gavin moved out, the boys are growing closer and closer.  Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect.  However, who's looking for perfect? I know I'm not. I'm looking for happy and the boys looked happy and peacefully sleeping.


We had a close call

Emmett had an accident today while bouncing around.  It was a pretty close call because he fell and hit his face on the corner of a book case. He's really lucky cause he just and I mean just missed his eye. I will say that both Lizze and I about stroked out as he fell.  It was like it happened in slow motion and we couldn't get to him in time.  Thankfully, he is okay.


23 IVIG infusions down and a lifetime to go

Today marks Gavin's 23rd antibody infusion. December will mark the 2 year anniversary of Gavin being diagnosed with Primary Immunodeficiency. Depending on how Lizze is feeling in the morning, she may be taking him for his infusion. It's easier for her to take Gavin than it would be for her to stay home the ever energetic, Mr. Emmett John. It's really hard to believe that it's been almost 2 years on this immunological journey. It's been a long road.  A road that was at times, quite scary. It's a lot for a kid to have to cope with and for the most part, Gavin does really, really well. We have the typical issues of him being demanding to the staff or at times, downright disrespectful. Overall, I'm really proud of…


What’s with the friggin Christmas music already?

Why is it that it's only the beginning of friggin November and I'm already hearing Christmas music in the radio? I'm totally not a scrooge but damn, I was hearing Christmas music last week on our local radio station. I think it's just a bit early for all the holiday stress to begin.  Can we at least get through Thanksgiving before we start with Christmas?


The list keeps growing

Lizze is not doing well at all today.  A few hours ago, she was doing okay. However, she opted to take a shower and since then, she has been sick to her stomach. She didn't even take a hot shower either. The list of things that she can no longer do, just keeps getting bigger and bigger. She may very well be down for the rest of the day. This will be a difficult afternoon but at least Gavin won't be injected into the mix. My Mom is once again picking him up from school. Thank God for small favors.


A look inside Emmett’s fort

Emmett decided that he wanted to take a nap this morning.  However, he wanted to have nap in the fort.  That was fine with us. He wouldn't go unless someone sat upstairs with him. That someone,  happened to be me.  So Emmett is laying in the tent/fort.  I'm laying in Elliott's bed, which is next to him.  He's watching Big Big Friend on Elliott's TV and I'm starting out the window, watching the leaves blowing off the tree.  Do your kids have a special fort or tent that they like to play in? Top: This is what the inside of Emmett's fort looks like.  He's laying on a toddler mattress and use derived his weighted blanket. Bottom: This is me laying next to him so he feels safe.