Confessions of a special needs father: My struggle with OCD

I'm going to confess to something that I'm quite embarrassed of and never talk about because I really struggle with this. Something you may not know about me is that I'm rather particular about my things.  Some might consider it OCD but I honestly don't know.  For me personally, I can't deal with things like dead pixels an LCD screen.  While I truly love technology, I dread getting things like new phones, handheld gaming systems or TV's/Monitors.  The excitement of getting something new is drowned out by the anxiety I feel over whether or not the display is perfect. If I see a dead pixel or worse, dead pixels, I simply can't cope with it.  Once I see it I know it's there and can't move passed it. I've been…


Hating the Holidays

Perhaps I'm alone in my feelings, but just in case, I thought I would put this out there. All of my life, I've always loved the holidays. I loved seeing family and friends that I haven't seen in awhile.  I loved the atmosphere and feeling of togetherness.  I was also quite fond of all the lights, sounds and smells that come with the holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now I have a family, a special needs family and everything has changed, at least for me. You see, all the things that I loved so dearly about the holidays, my family can't cope with. The reason for this is that my wife and all three of our boys are all on the #Autism spectrum. Basically, the holidays, in the more traditional form,…


#Autism, #Anxiety and Epipens

I'm really concerned about Elliott and this new allergy.  We're still waiting to hear from the doctor, as she likes to personally call and explain things. Having said that, when the nurse informed us of the results, she said that Elliott's numbers were extremely high and that he can't have any contact with almonds. What we don't know yet is exactly what this means. We don't know whether or not other tree nuts are on the list and just how carefully these need to be avoided. It does look as though he will need to carry an epipen on his person at all times. Needless to say, this complicates our already complicated lives and has increased Elliott's anxiety.  :-(

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The careful shopper

Emmett is a very careful shopper.  He reads the back of the box to learn what's in the food he's eating.  Actually, he traced the words on the back of the box.  He's got the right idea though. I think it's important for him to learn things like this and even if he's only practicing. :-)


Moms are the best multitaskers

Lizze fell asleep this afternoon in the middle of multitasking.  She was working on a post, her new book and listening to music, all at the same time.  :-) She's probably gonna kill me for posting this.  However, in my defense, she looked so peaceful and she's working so hard on these things. 


I don’t know how we did it

One of the things that Dr.  Patti has told us time and time again, is that we are doing the right thing for Gavin. She explained that she has other families going through similar things that finally decide to do residential care for their child. Once the child has been placed and they experience life with less challenge, they don't know how they did things before. I'm officially on the boat now.  Gavin's only been home for 2 days and I'm already going crazy. I honestly don't know how we lived like this before.  He's not necessarily even doing anything seriously wrong either.  It's just the constant stress of having to watch his every move with the other boys and pay attention to everything he says and does. As a…


Do you dread parent teacher conferences?

I had to be at Summit Academy this morning at 9:00 am to meet with Elliott's teachers for conferences. Elliott's teachers couldn't say enough positive things about him.  He's excelling in academics and socially as well.  To quote his teacher, "Elliott just blows my mind". That said, they do have some concerns.  He's incredibly anxious and worries all the time. He also is lacking confidence in the sense that he doesn't believe in himself. Hearing this was not a surprise as we see the same things at home.  They are going to continue working with him on these things and we will do the same at home.  I'm so proud of my little man.  He's doing so awesome and as a parent, I loved hearing all these amazing things about…


Screw you Murphy and your stupid Law

We just spoke with Elliott’s immunologist's office to follow up on his allergy testing.  If was freakishly good timing because they just received the results back. As it turns out, Elliott has a very, very serious allergy to almonds.  The nurse said that as soon as the doctor gets into the office, she's gonna show her and we will receive a call.  It looks as though Elliott will need to be carrying an epipen with him at all times. As if life wasn't hard enough for Elliott, now it's going to be even tougher. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Oh, and if you happen to see Murphy, the author of that law, tell him I said to go screw himself.  :O