Dear President Obama

Dear President Obama, I have a suggestion for you.  Instead of spending millions of dollars on your angulation celebration, after spending $1 billion on your campaign, why not do something for the people. I challenge you to go simple on your celebration. We all know you were reelected, do we really need to waste all that money on a party to celebrate that. Your job is to lead our country.  Like any good leader, shouldn't you lead by example? I'm a special needs parent to 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum and trust me when I say that life in not easy for families like mine.  Honestly, I think life is rough for much of the country.  Don't you feel guilty about considering such a lavish celebration for yourself? I…


Bad parenting 101

I wanted to share one of my recent parenting mistakes in hopes that you can learn from my bad example.  It's no secret that I have a soft spot for Elliott.  I have a unique bond with him because not only is he my first born but he almost didn't make it.  He had a really rough start to life and Lizze and I were told to prepare for the worst by the doctors in the NICU. That kind of situation forges a unique bond. With that said, Elliott has been going through a really rough time emotionally and now physically with his new tree nut allergy.  Essentially, he's an emotional wreck and it's breaking my heart.  As Dr. Patti likes to correctly point out, I'm a fixer. When I…


What would you do?

Elliott has been invited to his first birthday party. One of his classmates is celebrating their birthday tomorrow and Elliott will be in attendance.  This is a milestone in his life and I'm thrilled to death that he gets to have this experience.  Is it inappropriate for one of us to stay with him? I mean, who drops their child off at a strangers house and leaves? We don't known these people yet and so that makes them strangers, right? What would you do?


Pumpkin Pie for breakfast?

I'm the worst parent ever. I forgot that we needed cereal and so the kids don't have any cereal for breakfast this morning.  To further solidify my above statement about being the worst parent ever, the boys are having pumpkin pie for breakfast. Please help me not to feel so bad. Have you ever had a morning like this? Have you kids ever had something unusual for breakfast?


Today’s #Autism Victory: Two minutes

Elliott dislikes brushing his teeth.  He does better since using the Sonicare toothbrush but he doesn't like to brush for the full two minutes.  Last night, Elliott brushed his teeth for the full two minutes and was still brushing when the toothbrush turned itself off.  Heck yeah Elliott.  He says he wants to brush four whole minutes in the morning.  :-)


Random Thanksgiving 2012 (part 3)

This is the last batch of pictures from this year's Lost and Tired family Thanksgiving.  I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and if you are going to venture on Black Friday, please be careful and patient.

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Elliott broke my heart tonight

Elliott had a rough time today.  This poor child already has anxiety issues and now he's become paranoid about this tree nut allergy. It's so bad that he refused to eat today. He had a bowl of cereal this morning and that was it. He's so afraid to eat because he doesn't want to accidentally eat something that cause him an anaphylaxis response. The entire time we were there I was sitting in a quiet room with Elliott who didn't want to be around anyone. I don't know how to help him. I keep reassuring him that we are being very careful and that if we tell him he can eat something, than its safe for him to eat. This is my Dad trying to comfort Elliott and get him…