Elliott’s tree nut allergy journey: Working with the school

Lizze spoke with the school this morning about Elliott's new diagnosis. They we're very cooperative, as I knew they would be.  They also supported keeping him home until we get everything figured out. There is paperwork and they need their own set, as in two, epipens. These would stay at the school at all times.  We have to call the doctor about this because we only have two and those are for home. We spoke with the pharmacy and it's $400+ for two more pens.  Insurance will only cover 1 script per month.  I'm not sure at the moment, how we're gonna work this out.  I think the immunologist will have to fight for it, otherwise, how is he going to return to school? I mean, we can't give them…


Is your child with #Autism a sensory seeker?

OMG, Emmett is all over the place.  He needs more of a physical outlet because he's literally climbing on me all day long.. We used to take him to park in the warmer weather. With insurance refusing to cover OT, PT and speech anymore, this has become an even bigger problem. I'm grateful for what he's received but I'm angry and frustrated with their reasons for not paying anymore.  Essentially, they are saying that he hasn't reached the level of his typical peers and they don't believe he ever will.  In other words, Emmett to them is a bad investment. I don't agree with how insurance companies have been handling children and adults with #Autism. Anyway, Emmett desperately needs that physical outlet and he's made progress. Right now, he's sensory…


Operation Hope: The 11 month old migraine

This is a huge week for the Lost and Tired family. Lizze will be returning to the Cleveland Clinic on Thursday. This time she will be visiting their headache clinic. We have both been waiting for this appointment for many months now. For those of you unfamiliar with what's going on, Lizze has had a migraine for most of 2012. She's literally had this migraine for almost 11 months now and it's been horrible for her.  The past few months have been the worst though. She is in so much pain that she's getting sick all the time and can't eat without getting nauseous. Come hell or high water, I'm getting her to that appointment. She deserves relief and I'll do what I must to help her obtain that relief.…


What are the odds?

Last night I was cooking dinner.  We we're having real eggs, toast and some leftover steak from the other night. I said real eggs because we normally use egg whites instead. Anyway, out of the dozen eggs that we're in the carton, at least 6 of them had two yolks. These were supposed to be free range chickens, if that matters. In my entire life, I've only seen twin yolks maybe twice.  However, last night, the first half dozen or so eggs that I cracked open were twins. What are the odds of that happening? In the picture above, you can see the last 2 twin yolk eggs I found last night.


Addressing serious food allergies at school

Last week Elliott was officially diagnosed with a tree nut allergy.  It's only been a few days and we're still trying to wrap our heads around this and figure out what we do at home. What do we do for him while at school? Lizze and I have decided to keep him home today because we need to speak with the school. I don't know what their policies are in regards to this type of allergy.  For example, Elliott only has two epipens.  Do we send him to school with one, obviously kept in the office? I would think that the school should keep at least one at all times.  However, I want to have more that one at home, just in case.  So we just ask the doctor for…


Making the best of it

I just got off the phone with my mom.  Unfortunately, my dad is sick with the flu and so they don't want to expose Gavin to that. That's good instinct on their part because Gavin cannot be exposed to something like that with his compromised immune system.  This means that we will have to bring him home from school until Lizze's mom picks him up after work. We still haven't gotten our flu shots yet but I'm goings to hit the Walgreens in the morning and grab mine.  The boys have to get them at the immunologists office I believe. Maybe that was Emmett because he was allergic to eggs? Anyway, that's going to put a damper on this week. Having said that, I hope my dad is feeling better…


How do you know you’ve lost your mind?

How do you know when you've lost your mind? Well, in the Lost and Tired family, it's when you reach the point that you find amusement in watching your dog catch whipped cream out of the air, as you shoot it from the can.  I'm pretty sure that's a bad sign.  ;-) Also, I feel compelled to simply say that if you derive too much amusement from this, should get your mind out of the gutter. :O Mom, please don't ask me to explain that to you.  You're far better off not knowing. 

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I just love Emmett’s logic

Emmett was eating some jumbo shrimp for lunch this afternoon when he decided that he couldn't deal with the tails.  Now, up to that point, he was eating around the them as is commonly done by most people when they eat shrimp. Today however, he wasn't willing to do that. He first wanted to cut the tail off with a pair of scissors, but we said no.  We explained to him that he just needs to hold it by the tail and use his teeth like scissors and bite off and chew up the part of the shrimp that he's supposed to eat, just like he normally would. Apparently, today the tail was disgusting and he wouldn't even touch it.  However, he didn't let that stop him.  In true Lost…