Thank God for small favors

Elliott's kitten, Dean, has been dealing with an upper respiratory infection since before he came to live with us.  We just didn't know about it at the time. Anyway, we had him to the Vet's office this morning.  We wanted to find out how bad it is.  Thankfully, he's just fine.  We have to keep his eyes clean but that's about it.  Outside of that, he's a beautiful healthy little kitten. Elliott made sure Dean was properly cared for and held him the whole time. I think this is going to be a good thing for Elliott and Dean both.


Manic Monday: Missing school

Elliott will miss another day of school today because he has to be at the doctors. Hopefully, God willing, this will be it for the week.  However, depending on the medication changes Dr. Reynolds makes, he may be at home again tomorrow. Anytime you make changes to medications, especially when the child is prone to reactions, it's better to play it safe. That's my opinion anyway. Of course, your welcome to your own opinion.  It's just that sometimes after a medication change, the child has to be watched closely for a day or so.  Truthfully, I don't trust anyone else to do it.  Nothing against the school but when it comes to things like this, we tend not to delegate. I'm leaning towards pulling the plug on the Tenex and…


The Leap of Faith: Plans may change again

On Wednesday of this week, Lizze is scheduled to have a sleep study at the Cleveland Clinic. This is a prerequisite to entering the Chronic pain rehabilitation program. They want to rule out sleep apnea as a contributing factor to her chronic fatigue. However, Lizze has been and currently still is, sick. Apparently, if she isn't feeling 100%, they sleep study will be scrubbed and rescheduled. On top of that, services for her Grandfather, who past away Sunday night, will be on Wednesday as well. Lizze is going to be an emotional wreck that day and I can't see her being in a position to take part in a sleep study. My guess is that we will have to reschedule. Unfortunately, that will put her entering the Chronic pain rehabilitation…


Trading Spaces: Lost and Tired Style

On Sunday, Lizze and I moved Elliott and Emmett into what was Gavin's room. If and when Gavin returns home, he'll be in what was Elliott's room. We had to sanitize the room prior to moving furniture in.  You would not believe the stuff we found on Gavin's walls.  It's like he left us little presents, smeared all over the friggin place. Apparently, he had been spitting on his windows and walls. The rest of it I'll leave to your imagination. Let's just say, it was very unpleasant. We still have to repair the damage to his walls but it'll be alright for now.  The boys are pretty excited but also stressed out by the change, especially Elliott.  He essentially had to give up his own room and start sharing…


#Autism, #Anxiety and Tenex

In the morning, we have to take Elliott to see Dr. Reynolds and discuss his medications. This is going to be a serious discussion because we have some serious concerns about the anti-anxiety medication. Elliott has become rather aggressive while on the Tenex.  He has been self-injuring and losing his temper quite a bit and this is very much out of character for him. Instead of addressing the anxiety, it seems to be making things worse. What's the point of him taking it if it isn't going to help?  The answer of course is, there is no point. I'm thinking that it might be best to pull him off of anti-anxiety medications altogether because he keeps having adverse reactions. Hopefully we will get some answers and options in the morning.


#Autism: How I went from public service to public assistance

There is a HUGE stigma attached to things like Medicaid and food stamps. Part of the reason for that is that these services are commonly abused. There's not enough oversight and people who probably shouldn't be getting services get services. People are upset about this and rightfully so. I see things on Facebook all the time about this. People say things like "Wish I could call off of work today but I can't cause to many people on welfare relying on me". I've even seen things like "I'm off to work because someone has to support your family". These are said by people I know. People I have considered friends. It makes me feel sick inside to know that's how they really feel. What if one of these "friends" ever…


What a difference a kitten makes

Something happened today that has never happened before, at least that I can remember.  Elliott took a 4 hour nap yesterday afternoon.  He's never been relaxed enough to really do something like that. He was snuggled up with his kitten, Dean, and sleeping away like a baby. I was actually quite amazed. Normally, if you even bring up the idea of a nap, Elliott will freak out.  However, with Dean snuggled up with him on his bed purring, Elliott was just out like a light.  I'm really hoping that Dean with have a positive impact on him. If yesterday was any indication, this could indeed be very positive. I also don't mean this in the sense that it's Dean's job to make Elliott feel better.  However, much like Bella helped…

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