Not off to a good start

Elliott and Emmett have been at each others throats this morning.  I'm talking literally nose to nose. We have also be bathed in screaming and yelling as well.  Gavin on the other hand is still behaving pretty well. We're working group on some boundary issues but overall, he's doing well so far. The stress of him being home however, seems to be impacting get everyone, regardless of his actual behaviors. I'm really hoping to get our routine implemented and merged with the school schedule this weekend.  This will help to smooth things out a bit.  At this point, I'd be happy to just see an end to the fighting.  :-(


A quick tip to help organize your kids tooth brushes

We have adopted the Philips Sonicare E-Series of toothbrushes and have been using them for well over a year and a half.  They are affordable and work very well with kids on the #autism spectrum. Anyway, we had a problem because we were always removing the brush heads because we shared the bases. The other day, I accidentally discovered that the brush heads stuck to a can of shaving get cream. Yes, I know how magnets work.  I just hadn't thought of doing this particular thing.  As you can see, the brush head are organized, isolated from each other and easily reachable.  I like the fact that they are just laying around and the kids just like the fact that they actually stick to the side of the can. I…

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Learning life skills at @GiantEagle

I've written about this before but I'm going to write about it again.  I really feel strongly about trying to use everyday activities as a chance to teach my 3 boys with #autism important life skills. We have some wintery weather blowing in soon and I wanted to pick up a few items at the grocery store, in case we get snowed in. I grabbed Elliott and we headed off to our local Giant Eagle.  I swear it's like we live at that store.  Anyway, Elliott is 6 years old, has aspergers and loves learning new things.  Whenever he comes with me to the store, I always make sure to let him practice things like making good food choices, working within a budget, ringing up the groceries in the self-checkout…


Promotion 2012

Gavin received his martial arts promotion the other day.  I meant to post this on Tuesday but Gavin ended up in the hospital and subsequently moving home.  Basically, I had other things on my plate and never got around to it.  Gavin did awesome as did Elliott.  Unfortunately, I was at the hospital with Gavin and missed Elliott's promotion but my parents took pictures and when I get them, I'll share them. Here is a collage of pictures from Gavin's promotion on Tuesday.  Please feel free to congratulate him, I know he'll appreciate it.  Please leave only positive feedback.  :-)


Companionship for a child with #autism

Even before I know of what #autism was and certainly before my kids were diagnosed, I had this one wish for them.  Maybe this will sound weird to some people out there and maybe I'm just a dork, but here it goes.  I grew up with a dog for most of my life. I was fortunate enough to experience how that kind of companionship can make a child feel like.  I know how it made me feel.  I found comfort and unconditional love in our dog Dusty. When I had children of my own, that was one of the things I wanted for them. Whether it was a dog or a cat, a fish or a bird, it didn't matter to me.  I wanted my kids to have the bond, …


The last day of school for the year 2012

I just dropped Gavin and Elliott off at school for the last time this year. It was a relatively peaceful morning with the only hickup being a bit of Elliott drama. Speaking of Elliott......... Guess who will be performing 2 songs for the Christmas special at school today? That's right, Mr. Elliott Richard himself.  He's decided that he will go with this show, despite being afraid. Words can't express how proud of him I am. I will do my best to get video of both boys performances.  I also want ton upload Gavin's promotion as well.  Stay tuned........

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My little grill buddy

We cooked dinner on the grill tonight.  We've been known to do that on occasion.  However, what made this different was not what we cook but who helped me cook it.  I designated Mr. Elliott Richard my grill buddy. While he didn't lite the grill, he did scrape it and load it with the food.  He also hung out while we waited for the coals to be ready.  It was pretty fun and another opportunity to spend time with Elliott and learn about safety.  :-)


A Mother’s Love

I'm so amazed by Lizze, each and every day.  She does for our kids, even when she doesn't have anything left to give.  Those of you out there dealing with crippling chronic pain, know how difficult it is sometimes just thinking about getting out of bed. Lizze is all to familiar with that kind of debilitating pain.  On a personal note, my heart truly goes out to anyone dealing with things like this.  You are truly much stronger than I am and I have nothing but the highest respect for you.  I was upstairs tonight getting something and when I came downstairs, this is what I saw.  Let me put into context, just how much pain Lizze is in, at least as best I can. On most days, her skin…