Progress report

So far, Gavin is doing really well.  He's slipping up here and there but overall he's doing well so far.  I'm really hoping this will last but the reality is that we are in a honeymoon phase. I'll take every good day that we'll can get.  :-)


How does this rank on the scale of weird?

Lizze and I were watching a movie tonight and someone very quietly began knocking on our front door. It was really late and the guy was knocking so quietly that Maggie hadn't even taken notice. As soon as I realized someone was at the front door, I immediately was on my feet and Maggie and Bella both were on point.  I opened the front door but left the storm door closed and I actually physically held it shut in case this guy was stupid enough to try and do something with both dogs there. This guy claimed to be my neighbor, which he wasn't and kept asking for an extra audio /video cable. It was really creepy because he kept asking, over and over again.  Then he turned around and…


Congratulations to my boys :-)

I wanted to brag a bit more about Elliott and Gavin.  I told you all about their martial arts promotion on Tuesday.  I wanted to share the actual certificates with you as well.  I finally got around to snapping a few pictures and getting them posted. I'm so proud of both of them.  :-)

1 Comment

@PetSmart and @Banfield respond to my post

I wanted to let everyone know that I received a phone call to from Banfield Pet Hospital today. This was in response to my article from December 16th titled, Why we will never return to pet smart. Earlier this week, PetSmart left a comment on this post letting me know how sorry they we're for our loss and that I should contact Banfield directly because they are not actually part of PetSmart. The message seemed nice enough but, in my personal opinion, if Banfield operates inside the PetSmart location than one directly affects the other. Having said that, I really appreciated PetSmart reaching out to let me know who I should be in contact with. This afternoon I received a phone call from Amber.  She is the practice manager for…


WTF is happening to Elliott

WTF has happened to my sweet Elliott Richard?  Anymore he is just such an emotional mess. I feel like he has just been pushed too far and is beginning to crack. He just screams and screams when the slightest thing doesn't go his way.  I'm so worried about him and I don't know what to do.  I try to spend as much one on one time with him as I can but there's just not enough of me to go around. With Lizze being in the worst shape she has ever been, medically and emotionally, I'm stretched really thin. I'm honestly beginning to feel like the only thing that is going to keep us together is a miracle. I try really hard to be positive all the time but no…


Did the Mayan’s take time zones into account?

One of my readers quite correctly pointed out that it's already December 22nd in Australia and their all still there. My question is, did the Mayan's take time zones into account? If so which time zone are we going by?? I'm just trying to be as prepared as possible.   :-p A friend of mine sent this comic to me. Funny....


Is the end of the world today….or what?

I have been following this whole Mayan Calander thing with fascination. It think is so interesting and honestly, really sad that so many people are freaking out over something that happened so long ago. So their calander ran out, big deal.  Ours runs out every year.  Does that mean that the world will be ending? Of course not.  Forgive me for saying this but there are really people out there.  I've read about people on a mountain in France, waiting for the mother ship to come and take them away. Really? I've also heard about people building panic rooms or fallout shelters in order to survive the pending apocalypse that's what, like 12 hours away?? I'm of the mind frame that anything could happen. However, whatever does happen, probably…


What were we thinking moving Gavin home?

I wanted to keep you all updated on how Gavin has been doing since moving home earlier this week. For those of you new to my blog, Gavin was moved out of the house about 2 months ago for behavioral reasons, and moved into his Grandparents house. Gavin had been diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder along with about a dozen other things, all serious. However, at this point in time, the RAD is the most serious of the mental health issues we are dealing with. Gavin has become very, very volatile. We were experiencing massive, house shaking tantrums upto several times a day. The other boys were terrified and Gavin, having no conscience, simply doesn't care. Gavin lacks the capacity to truly feel empathy for anyone and make or maintain…