T’was the night before Christmas……

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house,  not a creature was stirring and that includes Elliott.  Thank God he actually slept tonight.  He's snuggled with the two kittens that replaced the dog fearing Sam and Dean. He's so peaceful and he'll be thrilled in the morning to see this picture because they actually sleep with him the entire night.  I'm really going to bed now.......... Good night....

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Merry Christmas 2012

The preparations are finally complete and Santa will arrive soon.  We have just climbed into bed and hope to get a few hours of sleep before the kids get up. I expect it will be a really early morning. I hope everyone is well and that your Christmas is merry. Merry Christmas for the Lost and Tired family.


Pizza and Turtles: A Christmas Eve Tradition

I'm all about making new traditions as most of the old ones aren't compatible with 3 Autistic children.  Tonight we decided to do something different and perhaps even make it a new tradition. We are watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and eating Pizza Hut.  The boys are having a good time but already itching to go to bed.  I almost wish every night was Christmas Eve.  On second thought...... No. Anyway, this seems like it could be a cool new tradition that we adopted. The other cool thing is that Gavin is home and while his behaviors can be a hit annoying, he's actually doing really well so far.  Even Lizze is impressed with his behaviors and she has been the victim of his inappropriate touching and passive aggressive…


The most ironic statement of the year award 2012

Of all the things I have heard this year, today's takes the cake.  This statement was by none other than Gavin himself.  Emmett has been screaming quite a bit this morning so far.  Gavin apparently is annoyed with the screaming and made the statement that he can't stand Emmett’s screaming.  Lizze and I both looked at each other like,  are you kidding me?  You're the king of screaming and you're actually going to complain about someone else's screaming? Of course, we didn't actually say that but damn straight it was going through both our heads. Due to the extreme level of irony in Gavin's statement, I'm awarding him The most ironic statement of the year award, 2012. To me, this just goes to show just how out of touch Gavin…


Sam and Dean need a home

I mentioned in a post the other day that Sam and Dean need a new home. The are amazing kittens and are beautiful pure bred, chocolate seal point Siamese. The reason we are looking for new homes, preferably home, is because they don't do well with the dogs. They basically live in the basement and are afraid to come upstairs and they've been here a few weeks. We don't want that for them and so we are trying to find them a more comfortable home. To make the rehoming process easier, Banfield Animal Hospital has graciously donated one year of well visits for each cat. This will cover shots and things like that. It won't cover getting them fixed or declawed but it's still a big cost saver and a…


Merry Christmas….Get Over It

I'm gonna climb on my soapbox for a few minutes here and get something off my chest. I don't mean to sound like a jerk or insensitive to anyones personal beliefs but here it goes. I wish you a Merry Christmas...you don't like it....deal with it. I'm so tired of being politically correct and trying to not offend someone. If me wishing you a Merry Christmas offends you, get over it. I absolutely respect your personal beliefs and if I happen to know what they are, I would wish you a happy (insert holiday here). However, if I don't, I'm not going to hide behind Happy Holidays anymore. If I wish you a Merry Christmas, it has nothing to do with religious beliefs. I'm simply wishing you well. While I…


#Autism and Christmas

Lizze and I are constantly reevaluating out plans for the holidays. Having 3 children on the autism spectrum, we've learned not to make many plans because undoubtedly, they will change. These changes are very often last minute. As it stands right now, will will go to my parents on Christmas day and Lizze's parents that night. However, everything is subject to the current demeanor if the Gorski clan. If the boys are already overstimulated, we may decide it's best to stay back and let them just play at home. If they are doing alright, we will go forward with our plans and perhaps just play it by ear while we are there. If we need to leave, we simply leave. Speaking for myself, as a special needs parent, this is…


How do you cope with the screaming?

All day today I have listened to screaming. I feel like I'm going insane and can't imagine how Lizze is coping with her migraine. Tonight is going to be low key and very relaxing. I haven't figured out how exactly that is going to happen, but that's onmy to do list today.