How did your kids hold up this Christmas?

I was wondering how your kids held up this Christmas? Did you see any meltdowns or overstimulation? If you could do it over again, knowing what you know now, would you change anything you did this holiday season?? Will you be doing anything differently next year?


Today’s #Autism Victory: Getting Along

Last night while we were at Lizze's parents for Christmas, Elliott and Emmett spontaneously began wrestling each other. The were giggling and laughing, without a care in the world.  To be completely honest, I was a bit annoyed because I was trying to get them ready to leave and they wouldn't cooperate with me.  However, taking a step back I realized that they were actually getting along and having fun. That in my eyes is victory.......  :-)

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It was too good to last: Confessions of a RAD parent

All good things come to an end.  I know that sounds cliche but it's also true.  Nothing lasts forever and that applies to the Lost and Tired family as well.  This is yet another sensitive topic but one that is profoundly affecting us right now.  Let me start out by saying that,  I had really hoped that Gavin could coexist with us. I wanted this not only for myself, but also Elliott, Emmett and Gavin as well. Unfortunately, Gavin's time at home has come to an end. As of 5pm today, Gavin is moving back to Lizze's parents. In many ways, Gavin's return home was not meant to be long term.  He simply had nowhere else to go during Christmas break.  Also, in the advent of his most recent autonomic…


The Last Day of Christmas 2012

We celebrated Christmas with Lizze's parents last night. Everyone had a good time.  I wanted to share some pictures from the get together.  :-) This pretty much puts Christmas to rest until next year.  To be honest, I happy to say goodbye to Christmas.  It's sorta overstayed its welcome this year. 


Christmas again

Our plans for the rest of the day are pretty straight forward.  The ultimate goal is of course survival.  However, if the stars are aligned and we are lucky, we'll see Dr.  Patti and then make our way to Lizze's parents house to celebrate Christmas again.  Assuming that everyone is behaving we should be able to get this stuff done.  Fingers crossed.


It begins… Oatmeal for breakfast

I've been trying to work with Gavin on staying out of Lizze's personal space.  Since he's been home, he's already been violating her personal space on numerous occasions.  Before everyone is going to jump on the autism train, take a deep breath and hear me out.  Boundary issues are very common with those on the autism spectrum.  However, while that may play a small part in this, there is much more going on behind the scenes.  Gavin is a child with reactive attachment disorder and also a very long, documented history of targeting Lizze with inappropriate behavior. This appears to be more of the same.  He's brushing up against her and is making contact with her breasts as well.  Yesterday I had to inform him that if he violated his…


What I’m most grateful for…….

As bad as things are for us right now, I really make a concerted effort to find something positive in all this madness.  I wanted to take a second and share what I'm most grateful for and encourage you to do the very same thing.  Sometimes just saying what you're most grateful for out loud, can be a perspective changer.

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