#Autism and @MineCraft: A match made in heaven

Elliott and I have been playing MineCraft on Android for awhile now.  However, he just discovered that it's on the xbox 360 as well. I used the very last of my Microsoft points to grab it off of xbox live. Elliott is thrilled. MineCraft is a great game that anyone can play.  It encourages use of his imagination and fosters creativity.  He essentially get a blank pallet and can create anything his amazing mind can think up. I would recommend this game to anyone with a child. More importantly, I would recommend MineCraft to anyone with an autistic child that likes games and enjoys creating things.


Change of plans…..again

There is likely to be a change of plans today, as far as, Gavin's concerned.  Instead of leaving today,  he's going to leave tomorrow.  Elliott and Emmett haven't been able to spend time with Lizze's parents because of this whole thing.  We thought it would be nice for them to spend some time and then the night with her parents before Gavin's goes back.  They will go over today and when she brings them home on Sunday,  she will basically just swap out Gavin for the other two. Of course, this all depends on the weather,  which at the moment isn't looking to good. Look,  Gavin needs to be out of the house but at the same time, the boys need to remain connected to their grandparents.  This is just…


OMG the snoring…… Make it stop!!!!

I'm laying in bed trying to sleep and I have my two canine friends, Maggie and Bella snoring.  Maggie being an English Staffy and Bella being a boxer means they both have short noses, snouts or mussels, whatever the hell you want to call them.  This makes them excel at snoring.  They put my old partner from my paramedic days to shame and that's saying something. It's weird because it like they're snoring in rounds. At least Lizze is sleeping through it. I suppose this one of the downsides to the breeds. Thankfully,  the good far outweighs the bad.  Having said that,  on nights like this I really need to focus on the positive.  :-)

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#Autism and @PlayDoh

One of the greatest inventions known to man has got to be Play Doh. Play Doh is the coolest most versatile toy, if you even call it that. For a child on the #autism spectrum, Play Doh can be an absolute dream. Having said that, I would imagine that some people would have not like it for sensory reasons. However, my kids absolutely lovePlay Doh. In fact, a large portion of Christmas revolved around Play Doh. Elliott and Emmett got tons of Play Doh and Play Doh toys. My boys love using their imaginations and Play Doh allows them to do just that. It also provides great sensory feedback for them and I think that may be part of the drive behind their love for that colorful, mushy, shapeable fun.…


Guy time

Every now and again,  Elliott and I have some guy time. Typically, this means that he gets to stay up a little later and we hang out. Sometimes we play one of his imaginary games and other times we might play a video game.  The bottom line is that we spend one on one time together.  It doesn't really matter what we are actually doing, it's simply the fact that we are spending time together.  This one of Elliott's most favorite things to do and mine as well.  Tonight Elliott and I spent some time together playing on the xbox 360. We played Bolt and Peggle until he was tired.  We took this picture to commererate the special time.  :-)


Hello tantrum its been awhile

Gavin is currently having a tantrum.  It's a pretty big one if I'm being honest.  He invaded Lizze's personal space once again and I caught him red handed. I told him he would be having oatmeal for dinner as a consequence.  He lost it.  He's pissed off at me because I took away his choice for dinner and gave him the default.... I had received some comments that oatmeal wasn't severe enough.  You have to keep in mind that while it doesn't seem like a big deal to you,  it's a huge deal to Gavin because I'm taking away control.  Anyways, the boys were once again terrorized and I'm now counting the minutes until he moves back to his grandparents, as bad as that sounds.  I'm done........


What’s your favorite Commenting System and Why?

I'm back to reevaluating my commenting system on this site. I was wondering, as my readers, which commenting system you prefer? Please answer the poll and share your reasons in the comments below. I'm trying to make this site as user friendly as possible and I really need your feedback. Thanks   [polldaddy poll=6796480]


Adding seafood to the allergy list??

While at Lizze's parents last night,  Elliott had shrimp cocktail. The shrimp was free from cross contamination and completely tree nut free.  However, Elliott's throat became scratchy after eating only one.  This is the second time this has happened.  However, the last time was prior to his recent tree nut allergy diagnosis and so we hadn't put two and two together. We gave him benadryl and he felt better.  Elliott will be returning to Akron Children's Hospital to have more allergy testing done ASAP. until then, we will simply avoid all seafood.

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