Holy Crap, we quadruple booked ourselves

The boys are going to be visiting their great grandmother Gene this afternoon.  Elliott is staying behind because he's not feeling well this morning.  It's already been crazy today.  Lizze is at the doctors, Best Buy is on its way, Emmett and Gavin are leaving and I had to get the house ready.  I also realized that we are quadruple booked tomorrow and I have to make some scheduling changes.  Gavin has his monthly infusion at 9 am, which is the same time as our next wraparound meeting. It also happens to be about the same time as Lizze's next appointment at the Cleveland Clinic and Gavin has to see Dr.  Reynolds at 4pm. We have to try and bump Gavin's infusion back a few hours because each wraparound meeting…


Off topic but relavent

This is way off topic but it does pertain to my life.  We bought our TV in Feb of 2009 for like $1,200 at Best Buy.  It's served us well since then but has been developing problems.  The problems revolve around these thick black bands that run vertically across the screen.  They are very obvious on lighter color screens.  Anyways, we have a service/replacement plan that will cover the repair/replacement of our TV.  Geek Squad will be arriving this afternoon to deliver a diagnosis and let me know what we are dealing with.  I'm pretty excited because I think it will need to be replaced and we will get that value of what we paid for the TV in store credit.   I was looking yesterday and for the same price,…


He was home only 15 minutes

Gavin is back home until Friday because he's still off of school and Lizze's parents are going back to work.  This is really difficult because as a temporary solution, nothing more permanent is in place yet.  This means that there will be quite a bit if back and forth. This is a problem because no one can get adjusted to anything before it all gets changed again.  Right now it's like a constant state of chaos.  I misunderstood the schedule and wasn't expecting Gavin home tonight.  Anyone familiar with a RAD child,  knows that even though you love them with all your heart, you have to mentally prepare for them to come home.  We were struggling with the 2 boys already tonight and Gavin arrived home.  I asked him to…


I want so badly to be able to help

I'm really worried about Lizze.  She's not doing well at all.  She is rapidly declining and I don't know what to do.  I will be contacting the Cleveland Clinic in the morning to find out the status on her insurance coverage.  She needs into this program, ASAP. I have absolutely no idea how we will pull this off but I do know that we have absolutely no choice.  Lizze informed me tonight that she's not healing properly anymore.  She has little cuts and scratches that haven't healed yet and they're weeks old.  Clearly that's not a good thing.  My first inclination is that stress is behind most, if not all of this.  Having said that, what matters most is making this stop.  She needs relief and I don't know how…


Today’s #Autism Victory: The 1st for 2013

I was sorta griping about how the boys were not getting along.  Low and behold, they found a time and place to coexist together, peacefully.  I'm so excited to see this and I suspect that as more time passes between Gavin last visit, things will continue to improve. 

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Let’s hear those New Year’s Resolutions

I thought it would be interesting to share some of our New Year's Resolutions for 2013. I used to try to do something really grand or profound.  However, I discovered that I would better off being realistic.  I try to underpromise and overdeliver.  So what's you New Year's Resolution for this year?


Didn’t they get the memo??

I was hoping that my boys would come up with a New Year's resolution.  I was also hoping that New Year's resolution would be to not fight with each other. Imagine my dismay when I wake up to Elliott and Emmett screaming at each other once again.  Didn't they get the memo? It's a new year and a fresh start.  I've tried to explain to them that at the beginning of each new year, we look back on all the good things we did and try to continue doing those things.  At the same time, we should look back on the things that didn't go so good and learn from those mistakes.  That was probably wishful thinking on my part.  I think these guys were only meant to get along…