So cute I can’t help but smile

As difficult as our lives are and as overwhelmed and demoralized as I can get at time, I really try to find some positive. Sometimes the positive is that fact that it could have been worse. Other times it's a real victory like making a good choice or reaching a milestone. Then there are those times when I'm feeling like I'm in a not so good place and one of the boys does something totally crazy and random.  No matter how bad of a mood I'm in, I can't help but smile, laugh and feel better.  This happened last night and came out of nowhere.  Emmett pulled his shirt over his head and just walked around as though nothing was wrong. It was just so unlike him that it caught…


Operation Hope: 1st Wraparound meeting of 2013

We had another wraparound meeting today.  You may recall that wraparound is a process of essentially pooling resources and building support. Today's meeting ended up being very productive. Having said that, it did get a bit heated in the beginning.  I'm not in the best of places and I'm completely overwhelmed.  I wasn't exercising alot of patience this morning and the topic we were on got the better of me.  Despite what some of you a maybe think about me, I'm not always level headed and I can respond to a situation in a manner that I later regret.  I'm not talking violence or anything like that. I just kinda hunker down and get tunnel vision.  That's pretty much what happened to me today. Having said that, I must say…


Good morning Captain Indecisive

I mentioned earlier that Emmett was mot having a good day. All morning long, he's been changing his mind about everything and then screaming at us as though we weren't listening to him or something.  He wanted one kind of cereal this morning and when I gave it to him, he screamed at me because he now wanted a different kind. I could just start doing the opposite of what he's asking and perhaps head things off at the pass.  However, it would then be that he wouldn't change his mind and I'd be screwed anyway. I'll be really honest with you, I don't have the energy for this today.  I love Emmett but goddammit if he isn't going to drive me crazy this morning.

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Not off to a good start

It's pretty safe to say that any day beginning at 5am with your child screaming bloody murder, isn't going to be a good day. That's how things are shaping up for us today. Emmett John came into my room at a little after 5am, screaming about something. I couldn’t understand what he was saying. He may be starting a new fever flare. We'll have to check that out when he calms down.


Does your child with #Autism have a favorite song?

I was wondering if your child with or without #Autism have a favorite song? I was listening to Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton the other night. Emmett was in a really bad place and very much overstimulated. He climbed up on my lap and feel asleep listening to this song play over and over again. It seems to really relax him now when he's upset about something. Most times, when he's really upset, he will scream if we try to play music. However, this is a recent exception to that rule. I don't know what it is about this song, perhaps the acoustic guitar, but he finds this very calming. I was wondering if your family had something like this as well? I wanted to get a feel for what…


Can macular holes cause migraines??

Something occurred to me the other day, after learning about Lizze's eye problem was more serious than I thought. I was doing some research about exactly how macular holes affect your vision. Basically, they affect your forward vision, meaning they don't impact peripheral vision. Essentially, if Lizze looks at a straight line, it looks fuzzy and broken. The line will appear to be almost dotted. Anyway, it occurred to me that if something is affecting her vision, especially in that manner, could that be what's behind this unforgiving migraine cycle? The reason I'm wondering about this is because these Macular Holes appeared within the last year or so. She didn't have them in her previous eye exam from about a year and a half ago. They did however, show up…


The #Autism Blogroll is fixed

I didn't realize that the #Autism Blogroll page was down. I fixed it now and you can begin adding your links again, I'm really sorry about that. I have been getting emails today asking me how to add the links, I didn't realize the page was down. :-) It's all fixed. Visit this link for more information: The 2013 #Autism Blogroll


The 2013 #Autism Blogroll

Welcome once again to the #Autism Blogroll for 2013 I've brought back my #Autism Blogroll for 2013 and we are starting fresh. If you added your link in the past, you should do so again. Every year I have to purge the database because there are simply too many links. So it's time to add your link back. Read below for more information.  Remember, this is open to any person, organization or business that has anything to do with #Autism or Special Needs Parenting in general. If you are a resource or company that provides products that benefit the special needs community, you're encouraged to add your link as well. I like helping people, especially those touched by #Autism and their families. Blogging has been a big help to me.…

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