The Lighter side of #Autism: Snug as a bug

As with any child with #Autism or any child period, for that matter,  Emmett had a pretty up and down day. There were periods of time where all he did was scream and scream some more. There were other times that he was exceptionally happy and enjoying the moment we were in.  That's pretty much par for the course, as far as Emmett's concerned lately.  This morning he was really tired but refused to go upstairs and take a nap. So Lizze laid down for a little while and I set up Emmett on the couch and put on Spiderman Unlimited, his current favorite show on Netflix. He didn't even make it through the opening theme song before he was out.  He went from screaming and meltdowns to peacefully asleep,…


Daddy’s little helper

I received a call from Best Buy today.  They were letting me know that the TV was being replaced.  This was really exciting and we went right away. I had to bring in out defective one and they were going to swap it out with a comparable model. This didn't go as planned because all the TV's they had to swap it with were basically downgrades.  Even though our TV was valued at $1,200 when we bought it, they would only give us a replacement TV valued at basically $700. I'm confused about bit by their logic in this but at the same time, a free replacement is a free replacement, especially when what you have is broken. Anyway, it eventually worked out because we were able to get another…

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Entertaining my #Autistic 4 year old

Lizze only drives on the rarest of occasions anymore.  This means that if she needs to be somewhere, I'm usually driving her. She stepped away from driving last year because her migraines were just too bad. Today she had another appointment and Emmett and I had to take her there and wait.  Emmett and I waited in the car because Emmett's way to much of a handfull to actually wait in the office. The appointment lasted almost an hour and a half. It was a really long hours and a half, trust me.  We did make the best of it though.  We played eye spy, sang songs, listened to the radio, played hide and seek and pretended we were sleeping. He did really well,  especially considering how long we waited.…


#Autism is more than the sum of its parts

This question may seem weird, especially coming from me.  However, I think it's not only interesting but important to learn from each other. If I asked you, what is #Autism? How would you answer that? The reason I ask is because as we try to spread #Autism Awareness, this is something that we should all think about.  How would you explain to someone what #Autism is? Would you be very clinical and state the symptoms? Would you quote statistics? I think that they would both be correct.  However, I personally think that autism is more than the sum of its parts. For me personally, autism is devastating, amazing, perplexing, beautiful, fascinating, exhausting and insightful, all at the same time. I think that autism is best described by the individuals experience…


It’s only 5am

It's only 5am and both boys are bright eyed, bushy tailed and at each others throats. I'm throughly exhausted but have to get Elliott to school, Lizze to her doctors appointment and Gavin to his. I guess the old saying is true.  There's no rest for the weary....


Piggy Toes

I took this picture the other day and never got around to sharing it.  Emmett was laying upside down with his head on the trampoline, his feet in my face and his hands in a box of Angry Bird crackers. I couldn't help but grab a picture.  I love his little piggy toes.  :-)


Cole Eye Center: We meet again

We have arrived at the Cleveland Clinic's Cole Eye Center for Lizze's appointment. She's really scared of what we are going to find out.  In personally really nervous myself and I handle that by joking around.  Not always something Lizze appreciates.  I'm trying to respect that but again, I'm really nervous myself.  :-(


Operation Hope: Retuning to The Cole Eye Center

This afternoon, Lizze and I will be returning to the Cleveland Clinic. This time to the Cole Eye Center.  We actually had Gavin there about 2 years ago and they are amazing.  Lizze is going because she has what is known Macular Holes.  This is what the Cleveland Clinic says about Macular Holes.  The eye is often compared to a camera. The front of the eye contains a lens that focuses images on the inside of the back of the eye. This area, called the retina, is covered with special nerve cells that react to light. These nerve cells are very close together in the middle of the retina where the eye focuses the images that we see. This small part of the retina is called the macula. Sometimes the…