How do I keep going?

People always ask me, how do I keep going? That's a really good question, with a really complex answer. However, I've found a way to sum it up in a single picture. See below.  :-) This is how I keep going. I live for these tiny moments, where time comes to a screeching hault and I'm face to face with a child that is happy and smiling. My goal is to survive to the next moment like this.  It's how I hang on though all the stress and anxiety.  I think that's a pretty good answer.  I mean, who wouldn't keep pushing forward, in hopes of seeing that big wrinkled nosed, cheesy grin?


Too sick for a sleep study

Lizze was supposed to have a sleep study tonight at our home away from home, the Cleveland Clinic.  Unfortunately, she's still sick with a sinus infection and so it had to be rescheduled. The sleep center said she has to be off antibiotics for at least a few days. She's really disappointed because this sleep study is done in a hotel and she gets a decent, quiet room, all to herself.  :-( We're going to see if I can stay with her when it's rescheduled.  She can't drive, so I have to drive her back and forth anyway.  It would be much easier if I could just stay the night with her.  Who knows.  Not exactly a night away, but better than nothing.


Can anyone out there relate to this?

As intelligent and wise as Elliott is, especially for a 6 year old, he clearly doesn't understand some things as well as I thought. When I say Elliott is wise, I mean that.  He's very difficult to talk to about some things because he wants grownup explanations for things and simply won't settle for anything else.  Sometimes that's okay and other times, not so much.  Even his psychologist has trouble explaining things to him at times because he's not satisfied with the answer because he knows there's more to it than that. This is one of Elliott's aspergers traits.  The truth is, if you talked to him like an adult, he would better understand what your trying to tell him.. Unfortunately, it's easy to forget that he is only 6…


Challenge of the day: Return the grocery cart

I wanted to start this and see if there's any interest.  Basically, I'll issue a challenge and that challenge is intended to pay it forward.  You'd be surprised to know how a simple gesture can make or break someone's day.  To test this out, I'm challenging all of you to return the grocery cart back to the inside of the store, or at least the outside rack, when your done with it.  Someone has to go out and collect all the carts when they are left in the parking lot.  I personally, always try to return the cart myself so that it makes life a little bit easier for the person who has to collect them.  Whenever they see me do that, they always smile and say thank you.  It's…


They look so innocent, don’t they

Maggie and Bella look so innocent, just sleeping all curled up with each other.  You never suspect that Bella pee'd on the floor this morning and Maggie was "playing"  with the kittens again.  Nope, they just look sweet and innocent.  Do you have any sweet and innocent looking pets that are anything but sweet and innocent? I'd love to hear your story.  :-)


#Autism: We can learn a lot from each other

One of my main focuses in my crusade to spread #Autism Awareness is a focus on the parents and families affected. Does that mean I don't care about those actually diagnosed?  Absolutely not!! I care about them a great deal. The reason I try to shine the light on the parenting aspect is because all too often, the parents and families seem to get lost in the shuffle.  Think about it like this.  Why do we need #Autism Awareness in the first place? The simple answer is that we need the general public to become more aware and understanding of people with #Autism. It's more complicated than that but you get the general idea.  Now if we have a hard enough time raising awareness for those with autism, imagine how…


Today’s #Autism Victory: Great Job Elliott

I just want to give a huge shout out to Mr. Elliott Richard.  He took his pill tonight and did a fantastic job doing so.  This is the equation for success: Tiny Pill + Chocolate Pudding = Happy Elliott.  I'm really proud of him.  I would also like to thank Giant Eagle for having pudding on sale at 4 packs for $1. :-)