Operation Flu Shot 2013

This morning we are on a mission to get the boys their flu shot. I'm a firm believer in vaccinating my boys in order to protect then from deadly diseases that are now in the rise and claiming the life of way too many children. This year, the flu is a huge problem and Lizze and I have protected the boys by getting the flu shot ourselves and now its their turn. I don't think that this is going to go over very well but it's a very necessary evil,especially with Elliott's asthma and Gavin's compromised immune system. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Annoying but still sweet

Lately, Bella has been kinda annoying. I know that its because she's not being worked enough but it's still pretty annoying. However, she's still a sweetheart.  Oddly enough, she's not very big. She's actually a year old now and still pretty small. Lizze thinks that she may have been the runt of the litter. Who the hell knows. She's healthy and that's what matters. :-)


Happy 13th Birthday Gavin

Today is a bittersweet for me.  It's Gavin's 13th Birthday and he's not here.  This is the first time that I can ever remember not being together on his birthday. I understand why things have to be this way but it still sucks.  I called to wish him a Happy birthday from all of us and he was more interested in watching cartoons then talking to me on the phone.  I make the mistake of assuming that he's as upset at being gone as I am that it has to be this way.  The truth is, he really doesn't care. It's the nature of his condition and something I will probably always struggle with on some level.  Lizze's grandparents are throwing a birthday party for him and his friends at…


Are you having a problem with @LiveFyre on my site?

I concerned that my readers are having problems with the LiveFyre commenting system I'm using on this site. I feel that LiveFrye is far and away the best commenting system available.  However, it doesn't really matter what I think, if my readers can't utilize the system. The reason I'm asking is because I know for sure that some of you are, or at least were, having problems. These seemed to be most prevalent when using an iOS device (iPad, iPhone etc). I've noticed that my comments have significantly decreased recently. If ya'll have nothing to say, that perfectly okay. However, if you do have something to say but can't get the commenting system to work right, that's not okay. Please let me know if the commenting system is working for you by…


Walking down the stairs backwards

Lately, Emmett has been walking down the steps backwards.  What the heck is up with that? Is he trying to kill me? If he is, he's doing a really good job. I mean, he just has no fear. Anyone else kid do things like this? Doesn't scare the crap out of you as well?


My Confession: Beneath the surface

I apologize in advance for the length of this post.  I've been wanting to address this for awhile now but was too embarrassed to do so.  I also wasn't sure how to make my point and make sure it came across properly.  When I finally started, the words just kept pouring out.  This is the result.  ---------- The last few days,  I've made reference to something that you are all unaware of.  I've gone back and forth about whether or not to share this. My reservation in doing so has been mostly related to already being so overwhelmed.  While I truly enjoy writing, it doesn't flow as easily for me as it used to and things don't always come out the way I would have liked then to. At the…


Flu shots this weekend

Elliott woke up this morning going with a fever.  It's a low grade one but it's enough to require him to stay home. He seems fine and is otherwise asymptomatic. However, a fever is a fever and he can't go to school. The other thing is that the boys are getting their flu vaccines in the morning and Elliott will need to checked out before getting his, to make sure he's not sick. Fevers, especially low grade ones, can come and go for no reason at all. Schools have a policy about this and even if their feeling fine, they are required to stay home, just to be sure.  These are cases where it's more of a technicality than anything else. Anyway, he seems fine and issues feeling well enough…


Good mornings begin with Blue

Emmett woke up extra early this morning and got himself dressed. He did this so he could go downstairs and snuggle his kitten, Blue.  He's in a pretty good mood this morning so maybe snuggling with Blue will prove to be a good start to the day....