Ready…….. Fight!

The boys have been awake for only 30 minutes and yet I'm already breaking up fights.  It's really frustrating and I'm already exhausted.  This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos. I know how to spell but auto-correct hates me.  ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.


Confessions of an #autism Dad: Depression is nothing to be ashamed of

I wanted to take a few minutes tonight and just let everyone know how my battle with depression is going.  I think that depression is one of the most stigmatized of the mental health conditions. I've never quite understood why that is but it's definitely stigmatized.  It seems like no one ever wants to talk about it. I'm the kind of person that doesn't really care to much about what people think. I mean I do but I don't.  Does that make sense? If someone looks down on me because I speak publically about my depression, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.  When I'm doing what I truly feel is the right thing to do, I can't afford to care about what other people think, especially if…


The love/hate relationship with stickers

I was thinking today and I realized something. Emmett both loves and hates stickers, all at the same time. I know that probably sounds weird. Emmett absolutely loves to get stickers and stick then to anything he can, including his entire body.  At the same time, if there is a sticker on something and he didn't put it there, it's not all. He compulsively has to remove any and all stickers or labels from any food items.  Yesterday, he had a thing of TicTacs. The first thing he had to do was remove the stickers/labels from the container. He also can't stand labels on bottles of water of pop.  For example, if Lizze has a bottle of Coke (the drink not the powder), as soon as she's not looking,…


Can anyone feel my pain?

For those of you out there addicted to Call of Duty Black Ops 2 online multiplayer, it's double XP weekend.  This means that you can level up twice as fast and get better weapons and gear.  Is it wrong that I'm looking for a place to have the boys spend the night?? I never get to take advantage of double XP weekends. Having kids that require my undivided attention doesn't really allow me to spend any quality time on XBOX Live. Any guys or girls out there finding themselves in the same predicament? I mean, come on.  It's friggin double XP weekend people.  Does anyone feel my pain? This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos. I know…


Where the heck did this weather come from?

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, especially since I live in Ohio.  However, we haven't had TV for many years so keeping up on the weather is harder than it once was.  We got this nice winter storm blowing through right now that has made the roads and absolute nightmare. Some of the main roads are getting better as the city is getting caught up but I think we managed to dodge a snow day by only a few hours.  The weather began just after school began this morning.  It's bad enough that I wouldn't bring Emmett with me to pick up Elliott.  I had to leave him kicking and screaming at home with Lizze,  which I'm sure isn't doing her migraine a bit of good.  I'm also the only…


Operation Hope: Today’s meeting 01/25/2013

Today's meeting brought with it a new team member. The Department of DD is now officially involved once again. This affords us the potential for more services. It also adds another person to the mix and the mix already contains a great many people. We are refocusing on Gavin’s medical issues because they are clearly the most pressing. The team is focusing on addressing those issues first. Gavin isn't currently living at home so the boys are no longer in imminent danger from his outbursts and violent behavior. He's doing well with his Grandparents so there no immediate concern about him having to return home. Once we can address the medical side of things and hopefully get him stabized, we can move forward with the mental health issues. Some of…


Will this ever get easier?

How many of you have asked yourself, will this ever get easier? I for one, was asking myself that very same question this morning.  Mr.  Elliott Richard was more than a handful this morning.  Lately, he's been flat out refusing to listen to what we tell him to do.  Today,  he refused to out his socks and shoes on.  I had to basically drag him out to the van when it was time to go.  When we got to the school,  he refused to leave the van. It probably took 10 or 15 minutes to convince him to leave the van and head into the building. I was pretty flustered to be honest.  Elliott's not the kind of kid that's looking for a reaction.  I really think that he's just…



We haven't had to set an alarm in the Lost and Tired household for many years.  The boys never and I mean never sleep past 6am. Of course, today would be the exception.  They actually slept until 7:15 am and now we are scrambling to get ready.  Go figure...... This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos. I know how to spell but auto-correct hates me.  ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.