Pulling double duty

My boys are pretty sensitive when it comes to sensory related things. We typically have to be careful to avoid overstimulation when at all possible.. This past Christmas, after we switched the boys rooms around and moved Elliott and Emmett in together, we needed a new nightlight. While we are looking for a few last minute gifts for the boys, we wanted something for Gavin's room and something for the other boys room. We found this clock at Walmart and decided it was perfect for Elliott and Emmett. Gavin wanted an alarm clock and so this wouldn't work for him.  It serves a dual purpose. It's cast a very soft florescent glow that the boys love plus, it's helping both Elliott and Emmett to learn about telling time. They can…

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Hello dinner time meltdown

Emmett had a pretty big meltdown during dinner. We had breaded fish fillets (think big fish sticks) and he wanted to have his cut up, like everyone else. Next thing we know, he's freaking out and hitting himself in the face. Apparently, he had wanted to change his mind out having them cut up but it was too late.  He had himself all worked up and was completely overstimulated. I scratched him back while Mommy spoke softly to him and we eventually calmed him down  enough to figure out what had set him off.  I don't know why he didn't just ask for new fish? It wasn't a big deal to us but it definitely was to him.  Anyways, after replacing his fish, he felt much better. Poor guy, he…


The uninvited guest

Don't you just hate it when someone comes over to your house, uninvited and just makes themselves at home. This afternoon, that happened to our Russian Tortoise, Perry. I used to joke around with Lizze that I couldn't believe the cats haven't investigated the turtle table.  At some point this afternoon, Blue, Emmett’s cat, discovered both Perry and his heat lamp. Emmett's the one who actually found them and  rough they it to our attention.  I was afraid that Blue was using it as a litter box.  Instead, I found Blue curled up with Perry, underneath the heat lamp and on the basking stone. Blue was just laying there grooming himself and Perry was a bit freaked out by his uninvited guest.  I don't imagine that Blue is going to…


Is it wrong that I’m hoping for Celiac diagnosis?

We just got off the phone with Lizze's new Gastrointerologist at the Cleveland Clinic.  We were forming a plan of attack to address the possibility of her actually having Celiac disease. In the past when tested, the bloodwork came back positive for the antibodies associated with Celiac. However, subsequent endoscopies and colonoscopies were negative.  We just assumed that all was well.  Having said that, after listening to all Lizze's symptoms last week, her new doctor's first thoughts seemed to be about Celiac and that's what's open this discussion once again . Personally, I'm very familiar with Celiac because we have it in my family.  My Mom was very, very ill and at times, found to be in life threatening situations as a result of going undiagnosed for so long.  She…


Spring Break is coming….are you ready?

Spring break is all but upon us and we have found yet again that we have to adapt to this change in schedule. As you may recall, Gavin has been living with his Grandparents due to his behavioral problems. Thankfully Gavin is doing well there and doesn't miss being home.  This is because Gavin has Reactive attachment disorder and so he doesn't do well in environments that have emotional expectations and intimacy. Anyway, with Spring break approaching, we needed to figure out where he would be staying or if he would have to come home. This has been a big source of stress for us because bringing him home right now has to be a last resort. I know that sounds really bad but it's just the reality of the…


Operation Hope: Simple yet effective

It's been awhile since I've talked about Operation Hope. Nothing has really changed but we have made a modification over the weekend. You may recall that we decided to manage Gavin's medications a little differently.  Gavin would start getting his meds in the morning at school and his evening meds from my parents before Lizze's mom picked him up. This took some of the responsibility off of Lizze's parents and spread it out across the rest of the support team. I wasn't a huge fan of this plan but it was a plan and it did seem to work. However, it wasn't long before we realized just how much of a pain in the ass this actually was. Every time anything would come up, we would have to work the…


Great start to the week

Today has been pretty good so far.  I woke up this morning, actually feeling refreshed and ready to go. Elliott got up this morning without a problem and didn't fight us about getting dressed and ready for school. This is a great way to start the day, not to mention the week. I'm really hoping that this bodes well for the rest of the week. We could could really use a good week.  :-) This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired…


Family: Nothing else really matters

It's no secret that I'm struggling a bit lately.  I have a tremendous amount on my plate and it can get quite overwhelming at times. Between everything going on with Gavin, Lizze's health, Elliott’s anxiety and a laundry list of other things, I'm feeling pretty frazzled. I imagine most people could understand that. There are times when I feel like no matter what I do, it's never going to be enough. What happens is that I get caught up in looking at the big picture and sorta get trapped.  Instead of recognizing the things I've checked off my list, I see everything that I didn't manage to get done.  Inevitably, I get demoralized, frustrated and depressed. In my life and the lives of my family, there are so many areas…