#Autism Awareness Month is more than a fundraiser or platform to debate #Vaccines

To this father of 3 on the Autism Spectrum, Autism Awareness Month means a great deal to me.  It means that for the month of April, the media will be once again interested in the Autistic Community. When I think of the Autistic Community, I included persons with Autism (of any age) and their families. When the media takes interest in Autism, as a community we can and should take full advantage of this because our voices can be broadcast across the world. How we choose to use this attention, greatly impacts it's effectiveness and overall benefit on the Autism Community as a whole. Typically, it seems that this brief window of opportunity is squandered and not used in an effective manner. I know I may sound like a scratched…

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A morning filled with good choices

I have to give Elliott mad props this morning because he got himself ready for school, ate breakfast and took his meds without a single issue.  There are many mornings where everything is a complete disaster a d we get little to no cooperation. Today however, Elliott showed us all, just how awesome he can do.  On a day frought with grief, as services for Lizze's Aunt are this afternoon, this was a great start to the day.  Great work Elliott, we're very proud of you.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing…


I’m so proud of my boys

Elliott and Emmett got along pretty well today and for that, I'm extremely proud of them. There is certainly a lot of stress in the Lost and Tired house and typically that causes anxiety and overstimulation. For whatever reason, the stars aligned and they decided to play nice. I think that the XBOX and Minecraft had something to do with it. :-) Having said that, beggars can't be choosers. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit…


#Autism and talking about death or loss

I think that this is an extremely important topic and one that we are experiencing right now. How do you talk to your Autistic child about death? I think that this is a very sensitive issue because we have very sensitive kids. How do you explain to a child, let alone a child with Autism, that a loved one has passed on? How a situation like this is handled can have a lasting impact on your child. I spoke to Elliott and Emmett this morning because they were going to noticed that something was different about Mommy. For anyone that's a bit tardy to the party, Lizze lost her Aunt Paula early this morning. She fought a war against cancer for a very, very long time. She is among the…


Today’s #Autism and #SPD Victory: Overcoming Taste and Textures

Having just suffered a loss in the family this morning, I'm trying really hard to be positive.  Luckily, I didn't have to look very far at all.  Mr. Emmett John is drinking one of Daddy's nasty smoothies. This smoothie contained the following: Blueberries Mixed Berries Banana Kale Oatmeal Flax oil Egg white Skim Milk When asked if it tasted good, Emmett replied "not exactly, but it's good for my body". I have to admit, this particular smoothie was pretty gross, healthy but gross. Emmett drank his entire glass and still wanted more.  Even more impressive to me was how he not only overlooked the taste but also the texture. It had the consistency of lumpy sand.  My hats off to Emmett on this one.  Great job little man. :-) This…


We love you Aunt Paula Goodbye and Godspeed

Hearts are breaking tonight because Lizze's Aunt Paula has just passed away.  We got the call about 1:05 am. She's finally resting after a courageous battle with cancer. We take comfort in knowing that she's at peace and no longer suffering. To say she will sorely mussed and her life will be celebrated.  Please keep Lizze and her entire family, in your thoughts and prayers.  Lizze and her Aunt Paula were very, very close and Lizze is taking this very hard.  She could use all the love and prayers you can muster.  This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique…


Finding something positive in every single day

Let me first say that not everyone can find something positive each day.  The truth is, sometimes there isn't a positive.  Trust me, I'm all too familiar with that.  Please don't feel bad if you have one of those days, weeks or years. ................ With everything going on with Lizze's aunt, today has been really bad.  Having said that, I really try to find something positive,  every single day of my life. Despite everything that was going on today, I can easily point out a pretty big positive thing. I had to give Emmett a bath tonight.  Much of the time, bath time goes well until it come times to wash his hair.  Neither Emmett nor Elliott can cope with water on their face or in their ears. However, tonight…


Want a FREE $25 Google Play Store Gift Card?

Big Fish Games is Paying It Forward


Big Fish Games reached out to me this week and wanted to Pay It Forward. Big Fish Games is one of the biggest names in gaming, both mobile and online. They also know how important apps and games can be for people on the #Autism Spectrum and so they wanted to provide one of my readers with a $25 Google Play Gift Card.

This means that the winner will have $25 big ones to spend on any android app(s) or game(s) they see fit.

Please remember to support the companies that are Paying It Forward.

Important Note:

Please keep in mind that I’m working really, really hard to bring these giveaways to you, my more than deserving readers. This is one of the ways that I’m trying to help the community and give back. This is one of the ways that I’m Paying It Forward.

I’m getting a ton of entrees into these giveaways but I’m having a difficult time contacting the winners.

Please remember to check the date that the giveaways end and make sure to provide the correct contact information.

I pay out of pocket for most of the shipping costs and I would like each prize to go to the person who won. However, people are responding to emails or the email address is dead.

You have 24 hours from the point I email you, to respond and accept the prize. I hate having to pass someone up because of the 24 hours expires.

To quote Jerry Maguire, “Help me to help you. Help me to help you….”

Please don’t make me break out the movie quotes again….especially that one. 🙂


Rob 😉

