Spring Time Sensory Friendly Fun

Friday evening, Lizze and I decided to take the boys to the playground and take advantage of the sunshine and 50°F weather. We have found that in the absence of enough occupational therapy, the playground is a great place for getting the wiggles out and having some sensory friendly fun. Lizze and I love taking pictures of our family and I was goofing around with the boys and shooting some video.  This is the result.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQpDwzA-P4E This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost…


A question for all my #Autistic friends out there

It occurred to me today that with all the debate that goes on between parents about vaccines, have we ever asked the opinion of those with Autism themselves? I'm not sure whether or not anyone is going to want to touch this question but I would be very, very interested in hearing what the adult Autistic community thinks and feels about this whole vaccine debate. For the record, I respect everyone's opinion  whether I agree or not.  I will tolerate absolutely no bullying or disrespect towards anyone that shares their opinion, thoughts or feelings on any of the sites that I own.  Please feel free to speak your mind without fear of being judged.  This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by…


Do your kids with #Autism ask questions endlessly?

Emmett is a question asker, to the extreme.  He wants to know everything about everything.. It feels like he bombards me with hundreds of questions a day.  Today he asked me why the zipper on his coat was plastic? I said, because that how it was made. My answer led to almost a doze  other questions, which were good questions, just overwhelming and difficult to answer. I was wondering if it's just my kids or do your kids do the same thing.    This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-)…


Do you have days where you can’t cope with all the screaming?

Do you ever have days where you can't cope with all the screaming? My youngest son Emmett, is one of our resident screamers.  He's basically at a constant state of sensory saturation and so it doesn't take much of anything to overwhelm him. This morning, he has been screaming and screaming.  I'm already tired, stressed out and can't seem to take anymore, much like Emmett actually. Emmett has Autism and sensory processing disorder. This makes him quite prone to overstimulation and subsequent meltdowns. People tell me all the time that I have the patience of a saint and while that's true, it doesn't mean that I can't run out. Patience is a commodity in the Lost and Tired household. One that is all too often in short supply. Today happens…


Reactive attachment disorder and losing a family member

While picking Elliott up from school yesterday, I ran into the school counselor, who happens to be on our Wraparound team. She wanted to pass along her condolences for our family's loss. She went on to explain that Gavin was in group and was sharing with everyone that someone in his family had died this week. First of all, I think it's great that they have group at our school and secondly, I think it's even better that Gavin seemed to have opened up and shared what had happened with everyone in his group. I have personally spoken with Gavin about this while he was home this week. He doesn't seem to have any feelings about this, one way or the other. You could say he was ambivalent to the…


Perhaps it’s a blessing in disguise

I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that this will be our first Easter without Gavin. Because of the chaos that ensues when he's home, it's just not something that can happen. It's really sad and it breaks my heart to know that my family won't be together on Sunday. On the other hand, Lizze and the boys will be much better off and Gavin would rather be at his Grandparents anyway. I was talking to my friend Carl Young from Why Not Father's tonight because his son is very similar to Gavin. In fact, his son Marc is in residential treatment, which is something that we have been trying to find for Gavin.  Carl is one of the only people I know that understands what it's like…


@AkronChildrens Hospital talks about Milk allergies

I wanted to share this with my readers because so many people deal with food allergies.  It's even more difficult to go through life as a child with food allergies. Dr.  Nancy Wasserbauer happens to be our doctor and she cares for Gavin, Elliott and Emmett. The boys see her for their food allergies, asthma and Gavin's primary immunodeficiency.  She's in charge of Gavin's IVIG. If you're in the Northeast Ohio area and need help with your child's food allergies etc, Dr. Wasserbauer is absolutely fantastic and we are so grateful for her help. Akron Children's Hospital just posted this video on their YouTube channel, where Dr. Nancy Wasserbauer talks about milk allergies.  I thought this might be of benefit to someone out there.  If nothing else, it will give…


Can we move past the #Autism and #Vaccine debate?

I set up a poll on my Facebook page asking if people would be willing to move past the vaccine debate and not so much on the why but instead focus on supporting those already impacted. Most people have said they want to see us stop worrying so much about why Autism happens and spend the time and energy once used to argue over vaccines on something more important. I thought it would be interesting to  see if you, my readers, are willing to spend less time on the same old pointless debate about what causes Autism, and instead redirect your energy in a positive way? Are you will to focus on how we help those already affected? Is the community ready to move forward? Your opinion is really important…