I’m the #3 Autism Blogger

I'm honored and beyond humbled to announce that I have been name to the Sharecare Top 10 Autism Bloggers list. Check out the Sharecare site for more about the individuals on this list. Here is a link to the official Press Release More information below:   Methodology: Sharecare Social HealthMakers (formerly SharecareNow Online Influencers) are among the most influential people in health and wellness on the Web, literally driving "conversations on the leading edge." They address a wide range of issues within specific topic areas while demonstrating consistent impact across multiple interactive channels--such as Twitter, Facebook, video and blogs. This impact is measured through a proprietary algorithm based on more than 100 individual metrics developed and powered by WCG, the marketing-leading digital communications agency, quantifying topic relevance, syndication, presence and…


Do you ever feel forgotten by those around you?

I was wondering if anyone else out there gets resentful? I don't necessarily mean anything about our kids.  Perhaps frustrated is a better word to use.  I find myself frustrated and even a bit resentful because while my family is struggling to survive, it seems like life just goes on, all around us.  I'm the oldest of 6 kids and everyone lives within 30 minutes of each other, some just a few minutes down the road. You know what, I never hear from any of them. No one seems to have a clue how bad things are going for us. I mean, it's not like I keep it a friggin  secret. Jesus Christ, I have almost 1,000,000 hits every single month. Do you know how many of them are from…


Confessions of an #Autism Dad: Easter Meltdowns

In trying to get the boys ready to go to my parents house for Easter and everyone just started freaking out.  I think we've reached that point where both boys are passed their respective limits. Elliott's freaking out cause he doesn't want to get dressed and Emmett is screaming because his socks are tight enough.  This Daddy is beginning to lose his mind and so I'm in time out right now, while I try to get myself into a better place.  It really isn't the boys fault, it's unfair of me to expect them to handle everything that's going on in our lives.  That said, unfortunately, I'm only human and thus can only take so much.  Please, let the rest of the day go smoother.  I think we will make…

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Do your kids hurt each other?

Elliott and Emmett got into another fight this morning. Elliott got shoved and was coming downstairs to get help.  Emmett was afraid and was doing everything he could to stop Elliott from telling me what happened, including putting his hands around Elliott's throat.  When Elliott got downstairs, Emmett ran down the steps, completely freaking out and punching himself in the face.  I know kids will be kids but this doesn't feel right to me and I'm concerned.  Elliott’s fine but Emmett bent his glasses by hitting himself in the face and that scares me.  I don't know how to pull everyone out of this and into a better place. Everyone is beyond stressed out and life doesn't seem to want to cut us any slack or take a break from…


Happy Easter 2013 :-)

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter.  I hope I don't offend anyone by doing so.  To me, Easter is about a fresh start and doesn't have to necessarily have a religious undertone. Spring is here and the world is coming back to life.  There's a fresh sense of hope for the future. I wish you all the very best.  You deserve the very best.  :-) Have peaceful Sunday and enjoy the time with your families and friends.  :-) This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For…


We have to move to a safer neighborhood

Unfortunately, as if we didn't have enough to worry about already, there have been a string of attempted break-ins over the past 4 weeks. Server also of my neighbors have been targeted already. Apparently, the would be thieves are casing the houses in my neighborhood prior to their attempts. This evening, I think we may have been cased. A woman showed up at our front door, with some bullshit story about looking for someone that just moved in. It was clear that she was either an idiot or she was lying to me because her story was just completely out there and made no sense. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and will assume that she was lying to me. The goal of someone casing out a house…


Today’s #Autism Victory: Teamwork

Elliott and Emmett love each other very much, they just don't always get along.  They can fight over just about anything. There are times that it truly drives me nuts. Today however, not only did they get along, they even worked as a team. They were playing Marble Blast on the XBOX and worked as a team to get past some tricky levels.  No one was fighting and no one was screaming.  This was a great way to ring in the Easter Holiday.  :-) This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me.…


Shoe shopping for my 2 kids with #Autism

Lizze and I just survived a trip to the store, where we were searching for new shoes for the  boys.  OMG talk about a nightmare.  Elliott was actually pretty easy but Emmett was another story all together. He had to have velcro shoes that light up and wouldn't look at anything else. We had a few mini-meltdowns before finally deciding that he didn't like his options and that we should go to a different store.  The store was really busy and as we were next in line to pay for Elliott's shoes, Emmett decided he just had to have the shoes that he just had a meltdown because he didn't want them. People wonder why I have no hair and my beard is grey. I had to run all the…