Today’s #Autism Victory: Letting Mommy and Daddy get out

I already posted this picture on the Lost and Tired community page on Facebook but I wanted to share the victory with all of you as well.  Lizze and I went walking this afternoon.  I talked about that earlier. What I neglected to mention, was where the kids were at the time.  Well, the boys were hanging out with my Mom for a little while yesterday, so Lizze and I could get away and get Fit4Autism.  :-) That was honestly a victory, in and of itself.  However, the main reason I'm celebrating is because the boys actually got along and even built this little town out of blocks.  They worked together and had a great time.  Anytime there's no bloodshed, that is a victory as far as I'm concerned.  :-)…


#Autism Awareness Month Suggestions: Take care of yourself

As parents, we play a vital role in the life of our children. As special needs parents, that even more true. The reality is that in some cases, our kids will need us for as long as we can physically be here. One of my worst fears is the day that I'm no longer here to take care of my kids.  One of the things I'm doing instead of allowing that fear to take over is embrace it. I embrace that fear and let it drive me to take better care of myself.  I use that fear to motivate me into making better life decisions.  It's so incredibly easy to get lost in the everyday life of special needs parenting.  We do and do for our kids, often times at…

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An #Autism Plea

I came across this today and really connected with this Mother.  What a fantastic message. Please help share her voice by watching and sharing her brief but touching video. This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.



I love my kids, I love my kids.  Having made that clear, I'm going to admit to you all that they are driving me completely bonkers today.  They are fighting over absolutely everything.  Perhaps they are both overstimulation from the Easter holiday still, I don't know.  What I do know is that their constant fighting and bickering is driving me closer and closer to my breaking point. Lizze and I wanted to take the boys and get their hair cut today.  I don't see that happening now.  I'm pretty sure that we would be out of our minds to make that attempt on a day like today.  Naps aren't in anyone's future either. It's still too cold and the neighborhood too dangerous to let the boys play outside in the yard. …


#Autism Awareness Month Suggestions: Diet

Autism Awareness Month doesn't have to be just for the general public. There are many things that we need to focus on, including ourselves and our health. This April, take an inventory of your own personal health and figure out small ways that you can improve upon it. One of the things I'm working in is my diet. I'm eating oatmeal and my fruit and veggie smoothies. For breakfast I have egg whites, whole grain toast with smart balance peanut butter, plain yogurt and blue berries. This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed…


Should #Autism be cured?

I answered my very first question as an expert, on Dr. Oz's Sharecare website. For the record, I'm so incredibly honored to be recognized in this fashion for my work in the Autism Community and I hope that this new opportunity allows me to reach out to even more people. The question that was asked was Should Autism be cured? First off all, this is a loaded question. Answering it is akin to playing Russian Roulette. No matter how you answer, there's a bullet in every chamber that has your name written all over it. With that in mind, I wanted to share my answer and get your thoughts on the subject of  whether or not we should cure Autism.   Should Autism be cured? This is a really tough question to answer. As a…


Welcome to my nightmarish fear

We got report cards for the 3rd quarter in the mail today.  Elliott got straight A's once again and we are super duper proud of him.  Gavin did awesome as well,  however he dropped a full letter in most of his classes.  He went from straight A's to mostly B's. This is a concern because I don't know why this is. We aren't upset with Gavin at all but we are worried that this may be part of cognitive regression that he's experiencing.  Slipping grades across the board are definitely a cause for concern and warrant a meeting with his teachers.  To be honest, I'm really trying not to overreact because this is a huge fear of mine.  I'm so worried that Gavin is slowly slipping away. We have been…


#Autism: Hands on experience

One of the things I always encourage Autism parents to do is give their kids on the spectrum as much hands on experience as they safely and appropriately can. My kids absolutely love to help with just about anything that I happen to be doing.  Today, I was cleaning our TV trays and had to scrape something off with a putty knife.  A putty knife, at least this one, isn't sharp but still requires supervision. Anyway, Emmett wanted to help me clean the table and so I showed him how to use the putty knife safely and correctly.  He picked up on it really quick and was very proud of himself for using a tool correctly.  I should mention that the boys understand that they are never to touch Daddy's…