The forecast

I pleased to share  with you all that today's forecast shows Elliott more relaxed and back in school this morning. While it's still raining, the thunderstorms have passed and Elliott's anxiety is a little better today. He went to school without any problems and I expect that he will have a great day. It's amazing to me how something like a thunderstorm can cause so much chaos in one little boys life.  We will have to continue working on dealing with this issue and make sure that this doesn't begin to control his life. I'm really proud of Elliott for getting right back into the swing of things.    


The creative mind

I always love to see what my kids create. Whether it's Legos, drawings or even blocks. I really enjoy seeing what they come up with out of the blue.. In this picture, Emmett decided to build with his blocks.  He built this castle and wanted me to share on the site.  Emmett, wish granted. Daddy is so proud of you and I love sharing what your brilliant mind creates.  :-) This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help…


#Autism and #Anxiety

I'm going to sleep tonight and as I close my eyes, I say a tiny little prayer.  My prayer is that Elliott will go to school in the morning. I pray that we don't have anymore storms tonight that will have his anxiety through the roof by the time he wakes up in the morning. As much as I love my sweet little Elliott, and I do with my whole heart, I need him to go to school in the morning.  Having him and Emmett home at the same time, during the day, is quite stressful.  It throws off Emmett's routine and that makes life a bit more challenging for everyone.  Thankfully, I think the inclement weather has moved on and we should be in good shape.  Elliott needs to…


The sound of hope being shattered

Have you ever experienced what it feels like to have your hope shattered? Sometimes, when things are so bad, I cling to this light I see at the end of the tunnel. It gives me hope that there could be something positive around the corner. However, sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel turns out to be a train. Today was one of those days and I got head of by a freight train. I heard back from Akron Children's Hospital today and it didn't go the way I had been hoping, praying and needing it to go. Despite all that has been going on,  we had this flicker of hope that Gavin would be seen by Dr.  Cohen, the mitochondrial specialist at Akron Children's Hospital and we…


By 8am, the day was already lost

Elliott is our 7 year old aspie.  He's brilliant and amazes me each and every day with intelligence, insight and compassion. Having said that, Elliott suffers from rather extreme anxiety. That anxiety was kicked into overdrive last night when a large, loud and very active storm system moved into the area. It was all we could do to get him to go to sleep last night. This morning, he woke up, came into our room and checked out my phone for the forecast. Once he saw that the outlook for today was more storms, he began what ended up being an anxiety attack that lasted for about 1.5 hours. We couldn't even get him dressed for school, let alone eat breakfast. Lizze called the school while I was trying to…


How do your kids on the #Autism Spectrum handle storms?

We've had some pretty crazy thunderstorms tearing through tonight. The boys have been on edge and very nervous as a result. It probably goes without saying that they are sensitive to the loud noise and bright flashes of lightening. Lizze and I were lucky to get them to sleep tonight. I was wondering, how your kids handle storms? Are they easily frightened by the noise? Have you found a way to help them feel better about the loud , scary noise? This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more…


Operation Hope: We need your prayers

This afternoon I've been on the phone with Akron Children's Hospital, Neurological Department and may have made some major progress. As you may or may not know, we have literally exhausted all of our options in regards to Gavin's health crisis and further diagnostics that could finally uncover what's going on. The one remaining hope we have, has also been the one thing we haven't been able to pull off. The one area left relatively unexplored is Gavin at a mitochondrial level. There has been some basic things check out along the way but we have not been able to get in to see a mitochondrial specialist. We have locally, the world's foremost authority in all things mitochondrial. Dr. Cohen is director of Pediatric Neurology at Akron Children's Hospital. It's…


I hate me (A heartbreaking guest post)

I was asked to post this by someone  who wishes to remain anonymous.  Out of respect for their privacy, I'm happy to respect their wishes and will not reveal their identity. I'm no stranger to guest posts as I open my blog up to almost anyone that wants to share their story. This one however, is unique in the sense that it's a confession of sorts about this individuals personal struggle with being Autistic. This isn't an easy read and it will probably  be upsetting to some.  It's also important to note that this is one Autistic individuals feelings  and  doesn't necessarily represent the feelings of anyone else.  Having said that, I feel strongly that this is a very important message because if even one person feels this way, it's…