Check out My Life Beyond Labels

I wanted to say how proud I am of my wife Lizze.  Her blog My Life Beyond Labels is doing better and better. If you haven't checked it out before, nows a great time to go and read for yourself.  Lizze shares her story and does so in a very honest way. Lizze is 32 years old and deals with fibromyalgia, chronic migraines, bad knees and now menopause. She's also a sought after book reviewer as well.  Take a minute and visit My Life Beyond Labels and see for yourself what so many others are saying.  :-) This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to…


Mission Accomplished: Delivered to school

Elliott did a really great job of getting ready this morning.  There was no whining and no raised voices.  Yes, we had to scramble to find his uniform and that was a bit stressful but it all worked out.  I always love when he goes off to school in a peaceful manner.  It's sets a positive tone for the day and I think he gets more out of school.  This morning before he left the van, I even got a hug and a kiss goodbye.  :-D Great job Elliott.  :-) This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness…


The Tuesday morning scramble

Do you ever have one of those mornings where everything thing seems to be going really well? Then out of nowhere, something happens that derails everything... Today is one of those morning for us.  Everything was going great and the kids were being cooperative.  Then BAM.......the train hopped the track and we realized that while Elliott was being cooperative and willing to get ready for school, we were missing one key component. That key component is a clean uniform.  At that point, it became the Tuesday morning scramble to find Elliott a clean uniform to wear to school.  Crap..... This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness…


Even grownups have bad dreams.

The past couple nights, I've been having some pretty rough nightmares.  I just woke up from another one a few minutes ago but have already forgotten  what it was about. I wish I could remember what these bad dreams were about..... This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.


Today’s Victory: The red mile

Today I was finally able to return to the red track for the first time in 2 weeks. I actually met my Dad at the park and we walked 3+ miles. It felt so  good to be walking again. The fact that I could  sneak away for an hour and get in a nice workout was definitely a victory. This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.


The three day weekend

Both Elliott and Gavin will be returning to school in the morning.   There's always that transition period because of the long weekend but I think they will be just fine.  We will probably see a bit of resistance from Elliott in the morning but hopefully, it'll be manageable and not taint the rest of the day for him.  How do your kids handle things like three day weekends? This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Check out my #Autism Awareness Store to find really cool and unique #Autism Awareness Clothing and Accessories, designed by me. ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost…


Operation Hope: Finally some good news

It's not often that I can share really positive news and I'm super excited to be able to do that right now.  We got the first round of lab results in from the 14 vials of blood drawn at the Cleveland Clinic last week. Everything is back to within normal or acceptable range.  The really big news is that she tested negative for any type of clotting disorder. This means that she can safely receive hormone replacement therapy, without increased risks of more clots.  Apparently, the DVT she had in here a few years ago, was just a fluke and was not genetically driven.  This is awesome.  This is really, really awesome.  What does this mean? Well her levels normalizing is something that was expected.  During menopause, much like puberty,…


Holy heat, we are back in business

Unbelievably, I made the payment to dominion and they had our gas turned on less than 2 hours later.  They had told us that it would be turned back on sometime between noon and 11:59pm tonight.  I'm very impressed and grateful that we didn't have to wait.  I also want to point something out, in case some out there finds themselves in a shut off situation.  Don't shoot the messenger.  As badly as it sucks having your utilities shut off, imagine if your job was to go around all day and shut off people's utilities. Imagine how unliked or even hated they are and all they are doing is there job. Just some food for thought.  :-) This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy…