Lizze finally got me to go to the doctors today. I haven’t been feeling really good lately but I haven’t been so bad that I thought I needed to be seen. However, Lizze, in her infinite wisdom, loves to remind me that when I do, on occasion, get sick, I end up in the hospital.
So I went to Aultman North, this morning. It’s basically like going to your regular doctor when you can’t get in to see your regular doctor. It’s a step down from the ER.
If I’m being honest, I was getting concerned because I have an occasional cough. However, when I do cough, my chest feels like it’s on fire. I felt that before but only when I have a really bad cough that is almost constant. I was worried that maybe I was actually getting really sick.
That being said, I’m happy-ish to say that I only have a respiratory infection. The doctor says these are lasting 5-21 days right now.
Hopefully, I don’t get any worse because we have a week full of appointments ahead of us. I need to be functioning enough to be able to pull all of this off. If I don’t get any worse, I should be just fine. 🙂
Here’s to hoping……
**Thanks for reading**
-Lost and Tired
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Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don’t see eye to eye. 🙂
Don't ever forget to take care of yourself. Your health is as important as anything else in your very hectic world. Always remind yourself that you can only be the best dad for your boys and husband for your wife you're healthy and there. Hope you're better soon.
Don't you just love it when the kids share the love AND germs…..Feel better soon dad.