Please say a prayer for Mr. Emmett John

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  • Post last modified:March 19, 2012

We just heard back from the pediatrician’s office about Emmett.  We were told today,  that on the off chance his fever hits 103°F,  we need to call in.

When they called us back a little bit ago,  they told us to give him some Tylenol on top of the Advil he had over an hour ago.  If his fever doesn’t break in the next 90 minutes,  we have to get him into the ER.

Lizze’s parents are on standby to come get the boys in the event we end up in the ER tonight. 

Please God,  just let the fever break.  He’s miserable and a trip to the hospital will be traumatizing for both and us.  The local hospitals aren’t always very Autism Aware and so things don’t always go well.
We need Autism Awareness,  even in the medical community. 

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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We definitely need more awareness in hospitals… everywhere for that matter. I sincerely hope he gets better. I will say a prayer for him.

Nicole Tozier

Keeping y’all in prayer!