#Autism and Zoloft: A bad combination?

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  • Post last modified:February 13, 2012

Ever I first wrote about our ongoing issues with Zoloft,  I have heard from so many people saying they have had similar experiences.

Elliott,  our 5 year old Aspie,  started 5mg of Zoloft last week.  He was on it for a total of 3 days and having only taken 15mg total.

He’s gone manic and has been since.  He has now been off the Zoloft for longer than he was actually on it and he is still struggling.

We don’t know if we should send him to school in the morning.  I really don’t think it will go well for him,  but at the same time he has already missed so much.

Tonight is the first night that he actually feel asleep on time.

Since he began the Zoloft,  he was up past midnight every night. It took 3mg of melatonin to help him sleep tonight.

From the research we have done,  Zoloft has a really long half-life,  meaning it stays in the system for a long time. Which makes sense because Elliott has been off it for almost 4 days and we are still having problems.

I have also heard and read that Zoloft tends to have this type of reaction with kids on the spectrum.

I don’t have any science to back that up but many,  many people have told me that. 
Either way,  Zoloft has been a nightmare for my Aspie and it will be added to the never again will we take this medication list.

I still don’t know whether we should send him or not. 

On the one hand,  he’s driving us crazy.  On the other hand,  it would be beneficial to get the teachers opinions on how he’s doing.

They are more than capable of handling him,  I just feel like we are setting gin up to fail.

I don’t like doing that…..

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I have Asperger's and took Zoloft for my depression, twice. The first time, I was in a deeply suicidal depression and started taking it and within a week I felt much better. I continued taking it for nine months. The second time was a few years later. I had been depression- and medication-free for some time, then it (the depression) came back very suddenly. Knowing Zoloft worked before, I went and got a prescription for the same dose as before. By then I was in another suicidal funk. The Zoloft, this time, gave me some side effects — I felt hung over — and did NOT help my depression. Nine days after I started taking it I had a fairly spectacular breakdown and wound up in the hospital, almost psychotically depressed. The doctor took me off Zoloft and put me on another medication. I never took it again.


@MeaghanGood thank you for your honesty.


Also, our son has been on colonodine for sleep and it has been a LIFESAVER!


I'm so sorry Elliott had such a bad reaction to the Zoloft. My aspie takes 75 mg each night along with 3 mg of Melatonin and his Ability. He sometimes has trouble falling asleep, but he sleeps well and his behavior has been quite a bit better. Maybe it's the combination of medications, or his size (at 13 he's already 5' 10" and 210 lbs). I hope you find something that works for Elliott. This is why the call it "practicing medicine" – they're still practicing; let's try this, and if that doesn't work, we'll try that… good luck. *hug*


Abilify, not Ability. Typos-R-Us! <grin>


our aspie was on 100mg and didn't have the problems that you describe with Gavin. Maybe we were lucky.


This was Elliott. It\’s so interesting to me how different people react so differently to the same medication