Nose bleeds and tummy aches

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  • Post comments:5 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 26, 2018

It’s gonna be a long trick or treat weekend. Both boys are home from school but for different reasons. Elliott went to bed not feeling well and woke up not feeling any better. His stomach is his nose is really dry and that’s what behind this. Once we get this under control, I probably get him a saline nose spray.

Emmett on the other hand is feeling okay but is getting nose bleeds and they take awhile to get them to stop. This actually first happened a couple of days ago and it started again this morning.

Emmett woke me up about 6 AM, so I could help him.

He’s not doing anything to cause them. They just sorta happen. I’m thinking maybe his nose is really dry and that’s what’s behind this. Once we get this under control, I’ll probably get him a saline nose spray. I don’t expect that to go very well, so perhaps I’ll set up a humidifier or diffuser.

Hopefully, everyone will feel better in short order. There’s been a lot of effort put into their costumes this year and they’re all super excited. Trick or treat is Sunday, so hopefully they’ll be fine.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Suzanne Olsen

    It can be the weather. Allergies and hayfever can do this as well.

  2. Pony

    It seems the dry ‘winter’ air has started super early this year, my skin is like lizard skin already. I can’t wait to see the costumes, Halloween is my favorite. Does your town do trick or treat only on the weekend or will they do it on Wednesday night as well?

    1. Rob Gorski

      Nope. It’s Sunday. It almost never happens on Halloween. It’s also during the day and not after dark.

      1. Pony

        That is just wrong

        1. Rob Gorski

          It hasn’t been at night in forever. It’s safety related.

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