I’ve never been a huge fan of talking to some about my problems. It’s not because I’m too uncomfortable do it, it’s more that I tend to work through these things on my own. It’s just sorta the way my brain works.
Having said that, there are people I can talk to if I need and last night I needed to.
I met with our family therapist on my own last night and talked about everything that’s got me stressed out surrounding my 40th birthday. I didn’t realize how much I have rolling around in my head. Some if it’s new-ish and some of it has been there a very long time.
There are things that date back to my fire/medic days and things that are related to fears over Gavin’s future. There’s also a million things in between.
I suppose it helped a little in the sense that I became more aware of the things that are weighing on me and I can start putting them away.
Everyone’s different and talk therapy is hugely beneficial for a great number of people and I’m absolutely not discounting that. It simply isn’t the best approach for me most of the time.
For me, talking to someone helps me when I’m in a place where I can’t think through things. Last night was one of those times and while ongoing therapy isn’t likely in the cards, it’s always there if I need it.
Actually, it sounds like you do therapy exactly the way you need to.
You alright?