Awesome news

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 8, 2018

I’ve spent the last 15 hours rebuilding the server from the ground up. The main reason for doing this was because with permanently banned On Facebook, there too many things broken as a result. For example, logging into the site with Facebook was impossible, as was a few other behind the scenes things tied to my Facebook app.

It was necessary to reimage the server in order to make the changes necessary to overcome this particular obstacle.

I had planned on making this particular change at some point anyway, the events of the last few months simply forced me to move up my timeline a bit.

You may or may not know but my ultimate goal is to create a non-profit foundation that does what I’m already doing and more. My dream is to be able to create something that make a difference in the world, help me provide for my family and maybe even pass down to the boys.

I’ve been working with quite a few companies and organizations lately, that want to partner with my efforts to help the Autism community. This is something that is pretty amazing and I can’t wait to see where some of the potential partnerships go.

Anyway, part of that process meant that I would be migrating from .com to .org. The .org fits the tone of things better and it also allows me to reconnect to Facebook as well.

At this point in time, I’m going to run with the .org because it feels like the right thing to do. It’s also sort of the only thing to do if I want to move forward.. If Facebook ever gets their shit together and fixes everything that happened, I may revaluate.

While it’s true that the person responsible for this mess can just do the same thing with the new address, she can’t if I don’t personally post anything. I’m working with blogpros to help circumvent that. They handle all the Facebook sharing and I don’t have to worry about anything being reported as spam or offensive, out of spite.

All I need to do is migrate my Google Apps over to the new domain and all will be right with the world. ☺ If you have my current email, it will still work just fine.

That God for blogpros…. ☺

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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