How it all began

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 1, 2018

It’s been a great day and I’m going to bed tonight, feeling extremely accomplished.. ☺

I have spent a great deal of time, working on something very important to me and I hope you’ll find it interesting as well. I have successfully merged over 7,000 posts from Lost and Tired, dating all the way back to January, 2010. That’s where it all began.

Our complete story is now accessible on this blog.

You can click here, to begin reading from the very beginning. In my tenur, I’ve written and published over 11,000 posts and articles. Putting this together was a monumental undertaking, partly because of the enormous database but also because it was incredibly tedious.

I will say that there is a gap between June of 2014 and August of 2015. Unfortunately, I was not able to recover those posts or images and while I would like to have had a complete record, I’m okay with it.

During that time period, Lizze and I had just separated and most of the posts were related to that. Frankly, I didn’t write as much during that time because I was seriously depressed and struggling to raise the boys on my own.

When I retired Lost and Tired in June 2015, I made a complete backup of my server. Unfortunately, due to hardware failure, I lost that backup and was forced to use the previous one. It sucks to be missing a chunk of time and if I happen to locate a more complete backup, I’ll pull the remaining posts in. To be honest, as important as that time period ended up being, it’s not something I want to relive and I’m not sure there’s anything really useful anyway.


You can dig into the archives in the left sidebar. Pick a month and dive in.

Please be aware, you may find links that are no longer active and we’re just going to have to live with that because I’m not combing through 7,000 posts for broken links. You may also find some YouTube videos missing or broken. If you do, feel free to drop me a line and a link. I’ll try and update those as I can. Most of the videos are on my current channel, which you can find here.

Also, my writing has evolved quite a bit over the years. In the beginning it was more like writing in a personal journal. You’ll need to approach things like that at first.

I’m really excited to have this done because if will give my new readers all the back story they’ve been missing. There’s a lot of context to be found in these posts and I would encourage you to explore them… ☺

My final move will be to redirect all traffic from Lost and Tired to the corresponding links now contained within The Autism Dad.

Thanks so much for following our story for all these years. I truly appreciate it.. ☺

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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