Penny Wars

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:December 6, 2011



The boys are having a penny war at school.  Each class room is collecting pennies and the one to collect the most,  wins a special prize.

All of the money collected will go to a family the school has adopted for the holidays this year.  So everything is for a very good cause. Typically,  what we have done in the past was collect pennies and turn them in on the last day,  as kind of a surprise,  “here’s a crappy load of pennies”.

Now that we have to boys at this school,  they are essentially competing against each other as rival class rooms.  I had to take a different approach this year.

I wanted to boys to feel special and really help their respective class to win. 

So I decided to donate 5000 pennies to the cause.  Is this easy for the Lost and Tired family to do?  No.  Was it the right thing to do?  Absolutely…

The way I see it,  we have met with so much generosity this year that the very least I can do is continue that trend of paying it forward.  I think it’s also a great message to send go the boys.  They are both so excited to be helping another family and while winning the prize is something that has not escaped their fieldbof vision,  it’s not their primary focus. 

I’m very proud of them for that.  🙂

……and it feels really good to be able to once again reach out and help someone in need. 

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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