5 Surprising Benefits Of Playing A Humble Board Game

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  • Post last modified:April 5, 2018

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Do you have a stack of board games at home, that are simply collecting dust? Brush them down, and reintroduce them to your family in order to recapture the magic of your own childhood. There are many surprising benefits related to playing a humble board game, that are not present when playing games on a console.

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Some of the most popular board games have really stood the test of time and are as popular today as they were when first created. Examples of board game classics include Monopoly, Chess, Draughts, Scrabble, and Cluedo. The games remain relatively untouched in their design and are mainly played in their original form of using a die, counters and a cardboard playing surface. Technological advances have opened up the opportunity to play the games on devices, but the original concept remains the same.

This article aims to highlight some of the benefits of playing board games.

Family bonding time

Playing a board game enables families to spend quality time together. Our lives are often busy, so allocating a little time together, participating in a wholesome family activity is great for bonding. Board games build skills and enhance communication. Young children learn how to share and turn taking. If your family has a competitive streak and would like an advantage when playing Scrabble, you could increase your chance of achieving a high score by using the Scrabble Word Finder Guide. In no time at all, you will become a pro at creating words from difficult letter combinations. A little healthy competitiveness when practiced in the safety of family and friends, builds skills transferable to everyday life.

Fun and laughter

Playing a board game requires a high level of social interaction. Games are fun to play and create a feeling of happiness within its players. The emotion of feeling happy releases chemical endorphins into the bloodstream giving the “feel good” factor. Sharing the fun with family and friends increases the effect of the endorphins and encourages trust and compassion.

Child development

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Playing board games as a child is extremely beneficial for developing vital skills. These include the ability to share, turn take and how to problem solve. Board games are also beneficial for developing cognitive skills and promotes brain development. Children learn from an early age the principles of cause and effect, they also learn that it is ok to lose on occasions.

Improves mental health

Board games are often used as a form of therapy in dementia units, as playing board games enhance brain function. Using your brain to regularly solve problems and make tactical maneuvers helps to maintain your brain’s ability to think and react quickly.

Playing board games are also helpful for people who suffer from depression. The social interaction required whilst playing reduces isolation and the familiarity and repetitiveness of playing board games is a great stress reliever.


Board games are fantastic for developing skills in numeracy and literacy. Reading ability is improved by the necessity to read instructions and playing cards. Board games can even help to develop an interest in geography, science, and history. They are also great for developing a strategic way of thinking, as is required in the game Risk. Budding property developers and entrepreneurs may have their childhood spent playing Monopoly to thank for their skills!

Have fun and reap the benefits!

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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