So you know when your day is going to go right down the toilet when you child starts to pee on the carpet.
Mr. Emmett John decided that today was the day to just pee on the carpet. Just pee on the freakin’ carpet. Really? Really, Emmett? I mean, why? The bathroom is right there. Why pee on the carpet?
I’m thinking of just clocking out for the day and going to my happy place.
– Lost and Tired
Posted by WordPress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling 😉
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My happy place is the bathroom its the only place i can lock everyone out. Guess i need a new runaway spot i could so see my son doing that than blaming me for locking him out
my son peed out of his bedroom window…which is on the second floor..umm yeah good start to the day, his 4 year old brother told on him…nice
I blame it on DST. I've been having a really off day myself, it's been feeling a lot earlier than usual for me, when in reality it's still an hour later. Or something.
*hug* Hang in there.
when my middle daughter was 3 she was refusing to potty train… then one day I caught her squatting in a corner and pooping on the floor…….. turns out the messes I'd blamed on cats? Her. She hated a wet/dirty pull up but wouldn't use the potty. I was sooooooooooo done. If only I'd known about Asperger's then…. (she was diagnosed last year at 9)……. LOL!
Noah my son has done this and has also peed by the toilette! Very irritating!
Breathe deep …
That just don’t get it….I don’t know what else to say even …
Breathe deep …
That just don't get it….I don't know what else to say even …