Had a rough nights sleep last night. My back is bothering me to the point that sometimes I actually consider the surgery. However, I can still cope with it for now. EJ and ER both slept through the night for the first time is a while. EJ woke up at 4:30am and wouldn’t go back to bed.
The kids might be hanging with my parents today and G is going to spend the night. ER and I might have a very uncomfortable camp out on the living room floor again tonight.
Lizze has to double her depakote today so we aren’t sure how that’s going to go. She has a doctors appt today at 3pm and we have to go grocery shopping.
Maybe catch a nap later if we’re lucky.
I rebuilt my business website yesterday and today. It’s a work in progress. But feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. www.computerrenew.org
Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry by LT