Emmett and Android4Autism

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 27, 2011

You all know how much Emmett loves his Android4Autism device.  He has come a long since first starting out using it. He plays all kinds of game on this thing.  Most of the being educational based games.

Today I found him playing Plants vs Zombies.  He is actually playing and winning.  For those of you fimilar with the game you know that for a 3 year old that’s pretty darn good.  This is not a typical Android4Autism game but it does require strategy and planning in order to play. 

The game is cute and basically you have to decide which type of plants to plant in order to defeat the zombies.  It’s actually a really fun game. 

Go Emmett get those zombies.  That is something I honestly never imagined myself saying.  😉


– Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I love plants vs zombies! That boy has good taste 🙂 can Emmett read?


It\’s like video game crack..right? I love that game. No Emmett can\’t read but he picks things up very quickly. He does know his letters and he may actually recognize some words. I just thought is was cool how he would collect the suns and then very carefully choose his plants. His favorite is the big purple, zombie eating plant. He calls it a cranky crab.